Immortal ~ Minizerk

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Dear Josh,
Josh I can't do this anymore. I can't stay any longer. I'm sure in time you will come to know why but for now know that I will love you forever and I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have to.
Love always

Josh had received that letter around 500 years ago and had reread those words everyday. Even though 500 years on he only heard the words in his own voice not Simons, even though all he remembered of his first love was a name. That was the worst part of living forever, loved ones came and went and years later where inevitably forgotten his memory was only human after all.

Perhaps the worst part of that day had been Josh would have been forced to leave as well within that same year at the latest so he didn't draw attention to himself as an immortal. Josh had come to terms with the idea of one day leaving Simon but never considered being left as he had been with no explanation or even a proper goodbye.
From the moment Simon left he regretted it but immortality came at a cost it always had. Simon had left the ones he loved too many times to count but each time was a fresh wound to his heart.
Josh was entirely different to everyone Simon had loved before which was why 50 years later Simon had searched for him, just to see him one last time and explain everything. Except when he to find Josh all he found was an empty grave dated the same year he had left.
By the time 500 years had passed Simon was still trying to tell himself he was over Josh, that he had moved on. By 2016 he thought he had, until he met him again.
Simon walked into Starbucks reluctantly, it was always too busy for his liking but he couldn't resist treating himself occasionally, behind the counter was a new staff member.
"What can I get you?" He asked, Simons jaw dropped open and his eyes widened. The resemblance was uncanny all the way down to his voice. Simon sucked in a shaky breath that he (the man behind the counter) must have heard because he looked up confused, then shocked, betrayed then happy.
Josh nodded his face twisted in confusion. "Simon?"
Simon nodded and looked sheepishly into his loves eyes.
"Well we messed up a bit didn't we?" Josh chucked eventually as he walked around the counter to stand in front of Simon properly.
Simon couldn't help but reach out and pull Josh closer to him in a tight hug.
"We definitely should have been more honest with each other I guess" Simon chucked tears welling in his eyes.

So yeah. I'm not sure what this is but feel free to leave any requests and I will do my best :)

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