The Truth

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A year earlier...

"I don't love him, Rhea. I can't be with him. What should I do?" Laurel is shaking, abashed by what's happening in her life. Rhea is listening to every single word, meditating it carefully, and studying every meaning behind every expression. "You need to help me. I love Daniel. It's him I want to be with. I can't stay with Jasper for another minute. Please, do something."
-"But what if Daniel doesn't love you? You do realize you're putting all your cards on hope, don't you?"
-"Then find out. You're his best friend, do something about it. Rhea, please."
-"I'm not his 'best friend'. Childhood friend works better."
-"But you have your way to the family. You have ways other people don't. And you're my best friend."
-"Fine. I'll do some digging."

Daniel is laying on his back on Nate's double bed, right besides his big brother. The room is lightened only by pale yellow lights fighting against darkness, and their words are only faint whispers against the deafening silence surrounding them. "Do you think I stand a chance?"
-"She's in a relationship. You need to get your thoughts straight. You know you can't come in between them."
-"They will break up someday."
-"Not today."
-"What am I supposed to do?"
-"You don't need to wait for love in your life. It comes when you're the least ready. If you just sit around and expect it to knock at your door, you're just wasting your time."
-"Then I should just give it up?"
-"Give it a break. But never give anything up."
Daniel nods as he slowly drifts to sleep. Nate watches his brother with his usual protective eyes, and covers him with the blankets on his bed, not minding to cover himself. Then he crosses his arms on his chest and stares at the ceiling for what feels like hours before he follows Daniel into a dreamless night.

The night was warm, but now the day is boiling hot. It's just another summer day and Rhea would usually rather stay in bed till noon. But she woke up early that day, and went to Daniel's, who was still sleeping. Besides, it's not Daniel she was after. Nate was up before dawn and was preparing breakfast when Rhea came knocking to his door. He opened the door shortly after the first few knocks.
-"Morning, Rhea. What's up?"
-"Is Daniel awake?"
-"He's still sleeping. Why?"
-"I need to talk to you about him."
-"Sure. What about?"
-"His love life."
Rhea walks inside, followed by Nate. She continues to the kitchen because she realized Nate was busy there before she came, but he doesn't mind postponing making breakfast a few minutes.
-"Look, what I'm telling you is highly confidential. You can't tell anyone."
-"Why would I even. Just tell me, Rhea. Don't worry."
-"Laurel can't be with Jasper anymore. She loves Daniel. It has always been Daniel."
-"He loves her too, doesn't he?"
Nate nods, slowly.
-"You can't tell him about that. He can't have hope or be motivated before they are no longer a couple. It's only going to hurt him more."
-"I won't tell him. But I should tell Laurel, should I not?"
-"Yes, you should. She doesn't have to be with Jasper. She deserves to be with someone she loves and someone who loves her back."
-"Okay. I'm going right now. Thank you for your time."
-"No worries."

She storms out of the house, leaving Nate with a smile on his face. He just found what would make his brother the happiest for the following weeks or months in his life. And now she's heading to Laurel, to tell her everything she just learnt.

Meanwhile, Jasper is at Laurel's, and they're talking on the porch. Laurel's home is really welcoming, but not to Jasper; not anymore. It feels repulsive for him. Because that's what he needs to be. Repulsed by Laurel and her family. He needs to be thrown out of their lives, for good. He reaches out for Laurel's hand, but she snaps it back. -"What is it, Laurie? You've been acting weird for as far as I can remember."
-"It's nothing. I don't want to talk about it now."
-"Stop trying to run from your reality. There will come a day when you will have to openly tell me everything."
-"Today's not that day, Jasper. I just need to be alone. You need to leave."
-"I'm not leaving here before you tell me what's happening inside your head."
-"Then you can stay. But don't bother me again today."
She gets up and enters the house, closes the door behind her and locks it, leaving Jasper sitting alone outside. She runs to her room and throw herself on the bed, where she cries harder than she ever has before. She can't keep running away from Jasper. But she also can't get herself to tell him everything to his face and walk away. What is she going to tell him, I love Daniel? What if he goes after him, what if he tries to hurt him in any way? She knows she has no saying in what happens after she uncovers the truth to her 'boyfriend'.

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