Chapter 4

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Author Note: Thanks for staying with me on this one. I have to warn, this is a rough draft. There may be a few typos, etc. And with this chapter, I switch to first person for Joon Pyu. For some reason, the story is calling me to do this. I might have to go back and rewrite the first part. But third person wasn't working for me. It might swing to Tiffany's perspective too sometime. I'm a pantser. The characters direct things half the time. It's more fun that way in this early stage of writing the manuscript. So, bear with me. It will be all worth it. Enjoy!

Chapter 4


The limo came to a stop in front of a sign that read: "Real New York Pizza". Tiffany put on some dark sunglasses and a big floppy hat. Reaching for a sweater that was next to her, she wrapped it around her, letting the baggy folds hide her soft curves.

"What's this?"

"A disguise. It's the only way I can go out in public now." She grabbed my hand. "It's ok, right? Friends hold hands."

I gripped her hand back. "Yes. They do."

"Come on." She slid out of the limo before he could protest being dragged by her. I was forced to follow, but was smiling in spite of everything. There was only one other person I'd met with this enthusiasm. But I shook the thoughts of Jan Di away. Tiffany was right. I had two more years left before I could return to Korea. I could make the best of this new arrangement. Besides, I missed having someone pull me around.

We moved into the restaurant as the limo pulled away. The outside seating seemed full to the brim, and I wasn't sure if we were going to get a seat. But Tiffany wouldn't be daunted. She walked right up to the hostess and mentioned her reservations. "For Tiffany and friend." She removed her glasses for a moment and smiled. The hostess formed a perfect "O" with her mouth before regaining her professionalism. "Yes Miss. Right this way." She grabbed two menus and gestured for us to follow.

We eased through the packed Italian restaurant. The clinking of dishes from the hall identified the kitchen as we walked by. Most people were deep in conversation and didn't bother to look up. The restaurant was in full New York lunch mode. The hostess brought us to a small table near a tiny stone waterfall in the patio out back. "I'll send your waiter right over."

"Thank you." Tiffany sat down, holding out her hand for the menu. I followed suit and was busy looking over the menu when Tiffany spoke. "So, there's pizza here, but a lot of other Italian food. This is one of my favorite places to come when I'm in New York. I have Sicilian blood in me. But you'd never know since most of my German genes are showing." She winked as she opened her menu.

I nodded as I tried to look over the choices. I hadn't had Italian for a while. In fact, it seemed like a treat to finally be eating some classic American food in the disguise of Italian cuisine. The big glasses gave her face a bug-like quality. They were really too big for her face. Her red lipstick amplified her little girl appearance. With the floppy hat and over sized cardigan sweater, she looked like she'd raided her mother's closet to play dress up instead of going to lunch.

I looked across to see Tiffany biting her lip in indecision. Her head just peaked over the menu. "See anything you like?"

"Yes. Pizza."

Lowering the menu down, she lowered her glasses slightly. "Which type?"

I shrugged. "Just pizza."

The menu came all the way down and she lay it flat on the table "What do you like on it?"


"You like it hot and spicy?" Leaning on the table, she put her hand under her chin, moving her red lips together.

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