Chapter 6

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Author's Note: So, this chapter gives you a chance to hear from Tiffany. I'm liking the changing POV with each chapter. Might have to stay with this for awhile. If I like it, I'll have to go back and rewrite the beginning chapters, but that's what rough drafts are about. Write now and worry about rewrites later. So, this is a pivotal scene. Lot's of fun writing. Got to relive some of my memories in Hawaii. Won't say with whom. :-) But it's all true how writers use their experiences. Date one, you might in up in a book. So, enjoy everyone! -Marilyn

Chapter 6


I was falling for him. Hard. If it weren't for the bad break-up feeling still lingering in my heart, this would be perfect. Dinner was seafood as promised. Waiters whisked in and presented lobster tails and crab cakes. I was in heaven. My diet wasn't. But a little splurge of food orgasm wouldn't hurt anyone except my waist and dress size. Only my dresser and designer might get mad at me later.

I took a sip of water to chase down the wine. A breeze came up and blew his hair. The blackness was like raven wings, hiding his deep brown eyes. I keep getting lost in those eyes. What is a girl to do against those eyes? I licked my lips of the water, and switched back to the wine. Crossing my legs, I angled the dress to show off my hips. Did he notice my flirting?

His eyebrow shot up. Bulls Eye. Point for Tiffany. Now, if only I could get him to kiss me like he did on the plane. "We haven't had a chance to go swimming yet?"

He put down his glass of wine. "You're right. We got here too close to dinner to really use the beach."

"Though I enjoyed the walk, Joon-Pyu. I do want to go swimming." I stood up and started walking to the bungalow. He came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. Moving his hand up my arm he said, "Who says we need swim suits." He held my face, pressing his lips with butterfly wing pressure against mine.

"But won't other's see us?"

"It's a private beach. Each bungalow has its own part of the shoreline. There is no one around but us."

I closed my eyes. He moved his lips down my jaw and down the side of my neck, feather touching his lips on the way down. I leaned my neck back, letting him have full rein around my shoulder. He began to move down the material of my dress. I put my hand on his, looking into his eyes. "Let's go swimming."

I pulled him by the arm, and headed down the bungalow porch steps. My feet touched the sand, and I decided to slip off my sandals. He took off his shoes and left them on the steps next to mine. We walked out, hand in hand onto the beach. I could hear the surf, and make out the waves cresting in the moonlight. The outline of palm trees rustled in the wind. The mood was so romantic. I had to spur it up a notch. What would any self-respecting pop star do?

I turned to him, feeling my smirk. I reached behind and unzipped the back of my dress. Walking backwards towards the water, I said, "How fast can you run Joon-Pyu?"

"Fast, why?"

"See if you can catch me." I stopped, and dropped my dress. I didn't give him time to get a good look. I turned and shook my ass at him. My lace bra and undies gave him a good show I'm sure. I started to run, and he took off after me. I made it to the waters edge and splashed into the surf. He stopped at the edge, and started peeling off his shirt. I got to the level to swim, paddling backwards as I watched him take off his pants, leaving just his briefs on. He splashed in the water towards me.

I turned and started to swim out. He got to me, just as I lost the room to stand in the shallow shore. Reaching towards me, he said, "Come here, you."

Firsts: A Boys Over Flowers FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now