Chapter 7

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Author's Note: Happy Holidays everyone! I've gotten a little behind. Sorry about that. NaNo is real intensive. But I did finish and win. So, a new novel is born. So, I got a little behind in my Wattpad writing. But here's the next chapter. There's a surprise at the end. So watch for it. -Marilyn

Chapter 7


I woke to Tiffany lying beside me, cuddled up next to my back. I could hear a cute sneering sound that sounded like a kitten snore. I was frozen, not wanting to move and wake her. I listened to her breathing. Her cute sneer. I held her hand that was wrapped around me. I heard a snort, and she moved her hand behind me.

I turned over, and leaned on my hand to watch her stir awake. Her hand wiped her face as she tried to scratch her nose. I wondered if she was going to fall back asleep. When she opened her eyes, she closed them again and stretched "Morning."

"Morning." I bent down and pressed my lips against hers. She pulled me closer, our bodies smashing against each other like last night. I moved back over her enjoying the intimate touch of our chests to each other. "Did you sleep well?"

"I had a dream about you?"

"What was it?"

"You traveled with me while I was on tour, and I went to Korea and toured there. You were showing me around where you grew up in Seoul. That old school you used to go to, you were going to introduce me to your friends."

I moved back off of her. "Don't play off a suggestion as a dream Tiffany. It's not funny."

"No, I swear. I really dreamed it. I do so want to visit Korea now. I want to do a tour there."

I sat up. "I can't show you my old school or friends. I only told you about them since we were sharing about ourselves. I wanted you to trust me."

Tiffany sat up, grabbing the pillow like a teddy bear. "I trust you, Joon-Pyu. Don't you trust me?"

"Yes. I trust you. But I can't introduce you to them."

She threw the pillow at me. "Why not? It was only a dream."

I got up out of bed and started walking to the bathroom. "Dreams have a funny way of coming true."

Tiffany plucked the edge of the pillow. "You're making it out like you're ashamed of me or something. I'm a pop star, Joon-Pyu. I know it's hard to date me for reasons that relate to fame and fortune, but if for some reason you won't introduce me ever if I did a tour there. Oh wait." She looked me in the eye. "She's part of that group, isn't she? She's your high school sweetheart, and you knew them all from high school."

"It's more complicated than just that."

"But that is part of it, right? You can't face your friends with another woman. Is it a click thing?"


"Yes, like the 'In Crowd', or popular kids only date the popular kids. Or wait." She snapped her fingers. "If they're clicky, they'll tell her your seeing someone else."

"It will be something like that. I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt."

"Except me."

I got back on the bed, and leaned towards her. She grabbed the pillow, and held it closer to herself. "I don't want to hurt anybody. Especially you."

"Or her. But you want us both."

"What's wrong. You wanted to forget together. Repair our hearts maybe from our past. I've wanted to be with you and explore new things. Can that be enough?"

Firsts: A Boys Over Flowers FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now