Chapter 10

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Author's Note: Just in time for Valentine's Day, here is the next chapter. I've been so busy revising "Saving My Heart" and getting ready for the San Francisco Writing Conference, I've gotten a little behind. But I made sure I sat down and pounded out a chapter for you all before I leave for the conference. I do hope you enjoy it. F4's appearance has put Joon-Pyu into a tail spin. They try to sort things out in this chapter. Enjoy! 

Chapter 10

Joon-Pyu's POV

I walked towards the penthouse room in the New Yorker. I knew it was early, but I was hoping to share with them my brilliant plan of how to tour the city. I had a helicopter on the roof ready to take them over New York. I'd show them the city, and then send them home. It would be one of our quickest F4 getaways.

I walked up to the door and knocked. I heard nothing. I knocked again. When I still didn't hear anything, I gave the door a good beating and shouted, "Time to get up you lazy sloths. There's a whole city outside to see."

Just as I was pulling out my phone to see if I could get someone to answer, the door opened. I blurry eyed Yi-Jung stood in the doorway.

"What took you so long?" I shouted as I pushed past him.

"Didn't know you were in a hurry, Joon-Pyu," I heard him shout back as I went into the living room of the suite. Ji-hoo was asleep on the couch. Lying across him was Tiffany. I stopped in my tracks. "What the hell is this?"

"Hmm?" I heard Tiffany stir as she sat up looking around.

"What are you doing? Sleeping with my friends now?"

She sat up more, rubbing her eyes. Ji-hoo wiggled from under her and turned to me. She put her hands on her sides of the couch to steady herself. "Joon-Pyu calm down. I wouldn't do that. We were just up late talking. We fell asleep on the couch."

"Like hell you did." I rushed around to the other side of the couch. Tiffany moved to the side as Ji-hoo sat up to face me.

"It's not what you think Joon-Pyu," he said while stifling a yawn.

"First Jan-Di. Now Tiffany. You're my best friend. Do you always pursue the woman I love?"

"Wait a minute." Tiffany stood up next to me. "So, Jan-Di must be her name. The one you said is waiting for you in Korea. And I would never sleep with Ji-hoo. Not while involved with you. Even as 'just friends'." She air quoted as she got in my face. "Besides, storming in here and not even waiting for us to speak. I'm guessing you're like this all the time." She waved to Ji-hoo. "He is so easy to talk to. We stayed up most of the night talking. It was too late for me to go home. You're friends were nice and let me crash here."

I clinched and unclenched my fists. "That only solves the fact you were sleeping on the couch."

Now Ji-Hoo stood up. "I didn't sleep with her, Joon-Pyu." He put his hand on my shoulder. "What happened in high school was an innocent kiss. We were young."

"And now you're older. Sweeping in here and stealing..."

"Stealing what?" His eyes were in mine. "I thought you were both only friends."

Understanding grew in his face. "No. You've been hinting the friends so much I almost missed it. You're more than friends."

"Oh, we knew you hadn't lost your touch," Woo-Bin said.

Both Woo-Bin and Yi-Jung had entered the room. They stood carefully away from the living room, just at the entrance by the kitchen. Both had the same clothes on from last night. Except Woo-Bin was missing his shirt. He had a woman in one arm. She watched the whole event unfold with her hand to her mouth. I tried to ignore her stare. I didn't like strangers in F4 business.

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