Chapter 13

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Note: Well, I went on a long train trip and focused on starting to wrap up this story. My writer's block has fallen away a bit, and I could see the ending. So, in a couple more chapters, I should be able to wrap this story up just in time for the end of the Wattys deadline. So, thank you to everyone for hanging in there with me. I've got an idea for a new contemporary romance. Might start it while I finish this story up so I'll have something to turn to work on when I'm done with this. So, stay tuned for more! 

This chapter is starting to set up for the ending. So, hold onto your seats. The roller coaster ride is nearing its end. -Marilyn

Chapter 13


We turned into Central Park. The night air was soothing, and Woo-Bin held my hand. Shadows fell on the sidewalk. I could hear the clop, clop of a horse drawn carriage somewhere nearby. I grabbed his hand. "Want to go for a ride?"

"To where?" He smiled back. He had to be caught up in the excitement.

"I think I know where they pick up people?" We walked faster until the clomping got louder. I could see a carriage coming near us on a main street through the park. I saw other carriages lined up waiting to take people around. "Looks like the line starts over there."

We walked over and got in the line. Some people started to look our way. One girl pointed. She whispered to the other girl next to her as one of the carriage drivers recognized me and waved me over. "Miss Smith, I'm open for you if you'd like to take a swing around the park."

"Thank you." I gave him one of my dazzling smiles. Woo-Bin got in first, and then helped me in. I could see the flashes going off from people's cameras. At least I knew they would be all over social media in moments. This actually might work.

The driver got in his seat and gave a shake to the reins. We started to move, and the jolt had me fall back into Woo-Bin. He put his arm around me. "What will Joon-Pyu think?" My startled voice cracked as he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's to help him, remember?" He had the tone of mischief in his voice.

I snuggled into his shoulder. "He has good friends that would help him like this."

His grin grew wider. "Yes, he does."

I rose my eyebrow. I wasn't sure if he was joking or enjoying this a little too much. But I needed to make it look like I had a whole posse of men. I leaned back and enjoyed the ride.



"So who's turn is it now to go out with me?" Tiffany's voice asked.

We had all decided that meeting together would be easier than trying to meet Tiffany. She had found the staff at the hotel were nicer about letting her in the back door, and had snuck out last night to return tomorrow. I had stayed over night on the couch.

Woo-Bin's walk with Tiffany had lasted longer than I would have liked. I had glared at them both when they got home, but it seemed to go over Woo-Bin's head. Or maybe he was just used to my glares. She had simply waved and left. I didn't know what to make of it.

She put her hands on her hips. "I want to go to a museum today. Anybody like art?"

Yi-Jung answered, "I'm a potter. I live for art."

"Then it's settled." She grabbed his arm. "It's your turn to be my escort. You're coming with me."

I moved towards her. "You seem to be enjoying this too much."

"I like meeting your friends." She winked at me.

My heart skipped, but I shook my head. I couldn't fall for her distraction from the subject. "As long as it's just hanging out with my friends."

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