☣ Chapter 2 ☣

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If it was one thing that she learned how to do well, it was ignoring me when I somehow managed to piss her off, and lately, it seemed like I was managing to do that quite a lot.

The sounds of her sniffling trailed behind her as she took the lead, walking just along the side of the road into the view of skyscrapers in front of us.

Her teddy bear's black beady eyes stared up at me, the smile on it's face a lie, it's torn ear, and it's missing leg the truth.

"...Keira?" I softly called out to her.

All that came back in reply was the sound of her feet treading across the pavement.

Sighing, I gave up, knowing that pestering her would only prolong the silent treatment that she was dishing out at me.

Times like this made me wonder what my parents would do if they were still here, what they'd say to make her feel like things would be okay.

...I don't want to lose you too. I thought, clearing my throat to push back any visible emotion. No no no. Come on. Suck it up. She's feeling enough for the both of us right now. Gotta keep my mind clear. Today we're looking for a car, and some gas. That's the objective. Hopefully, if I can get the car running before sundown, I can take it out into the forest and we can sleep in it for the night...

Attempting to keep my mind off of sour emotions, I took in the view of the skyscrapers in front of me.

Despite their differences, the city was just as beautiful as the mountains here. They complimented each other like night and day.

When things weren't like this, I never really got the chance to come down here. My parents always thought that city's were poisonous, clouding people's minds with billboards that oversexualized almost about everything, or tried to convince people why they needed nose jobs or liposuction.

They believed that city's were the devil's playground, where people came to lose their souls before they could even bat an eye to realize it.

Being the hopeful person I was, and slightly still am, some part of me couldn't let the city go. I'd always tell myself that one day I'd step foot in the city and see for myself, see whether or not if the faces that walked the streets really had lost their souls.

I wanted to see if something so beautiful could really generate something so foul.

Now I'd never get the chance to know.

As the sun fell just a little more, a deeper orange sky sat as the skyscrapers background.

The eerie choir of the dead sang loud, making the fine brown hairs on my arms stand up.

Keira stopped walking at a certain point, turning back to look at me with red eyes from crying so much and damp cheeks.

The only thing that could slightly crack that I'm-not-talking-to-you bubble of hers was fear, and right now, by the look in her eyes, I could tell that she was afraid.

Quickening my pace, I met up with her and took hold of her hand.

"Stay close, okay?" I said, my grip tightening.

She simply nodded and tightened her grip too.

The rural area we just left wasn't so...loud. I guess I shouldn't have really expected anything else, since city's were usually more crowded anyway.

Looking over the area, a gas station a couple of blocks down caught my attention.

...This place is littered with cars, so I'll worry about that later. Gas on the other hand, I'll be lucky to find some in the reservoirs if the wells haven't dried up.

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