☣ Chapter 6 ☣

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The rest of the day I spent my time feeling flustered, confused, and alone. I wasn't quite sure about how I felt about what just happened. Everything was telling me that what I had just done was wrong and utterly unforgivable, but there was some part of me that couldn't shake away this warm fuzzy feeling I felt inside.

Sometimes the rush of doing something I knew I shouldn't be doing was a feeling that was too good to pass up. I knew that one day this feeling would destroy me, but I didn't care to think about things like that right now, because I knew that today wasn't going to be that day.

For my first time, It definitely didn't go the way I imagined it would, but for the most part I was okay with that. Just thinking about what he just did made me blush.

After the wonderfully long cleansing shower that I took, I found myself walking up and down the bedroom that he and I would be sharing, looking for something, but not quite knowing what it was that I was looking for exactly.

High and low I searched, but I couldn't find anything. Then it hit me.

Now that I thought about it, as beautiful as this room was, it had no life.

There were no picture frames with family photos in them, there were no remains of other people's things besides Thomas' things, and there was no personalization of any sort.

The room just looked like it conveniently came out of an Ikea magazine, and that was that.

...But wait a minute. I thought, plopping myself back on the bed.

My heart sank to the pit of my stomach when Ms.Colleen Dedrich, and little Casey Dedrich came to mind.

The conversations, the laughs, the heart felt hugs, and the soft smiles I exchanged with them was all coming back to me now.

What happened to them?

A million questions rushed across my mind like cars speeding down a highway.

Every Sunday he, his wife, and child showed up to my father's church. Anybody could have sworn that they were the perfect couple when they were seen together, doing what couples usually did. So then where was she? Where were they?

...How could I do something I just did knowing that he had a wife? How could I forget something like that?

My stomach churned as I felt like puking. The funny thing about doing something you know you shouldn't have been doing was, sometimes that one thing was the domino that knocked down all the other wrong doings you didn't even think about.

I thought I was just exploring, but then it hit me that I just made him a cheater. He just cheated on his wife with me.

Getting off of the bed, I walked to the bathroom and turned the sink on, splashing cold water at my flushed face.

Suddenly the image of my father flashed itself before me as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

...He'd be so disappointed in me. I thought, the corners of my lips arching down. This wasn't the person that he raised me to be...

The creak of the bedroom door sliding open filled my ears, taking my mind off of troubling thoughts.

Peaking from the corner of the bathroom door, I found Thomas walking in, completely covered in skin eater guts and blood.

"...Hey." I said softly, keeping a close eye on him as I tried to figure him out. "...Is everyone okay?"

He didn't respond back. He didn't seem mad, but he didn't seem happy either. Ignoring me, he simply walked to the closest and began to rummage through his things.

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