☣ Chapter 4 ☣

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My mind wouldn't shut up ever since I made that decision. I wouldn't take it back for anything else in the world knowing that Keira would be safe. There was just this sour feeling I couldn't help shake off when I thought about what was going to happen to me.

It's been about five days since I've been living in this small room they transferred me to after I had that little talk with Dedrich. Every time I was brought my meal for the day, I'd scratch in a tally mark into the wall with my nail to help me keep track of time.

Those stupid tally marks were more destructive than they were productive really. All they did was make me think about how much closer to Richmond, Virginia I would have been if Keira and I were still out there.

Being in here also gave me time to think about all the things that Dedrich said about my father. I knew that sometimes my old man was hard to get along with, but that didn't make him all the things Dedrich said about him being unfair or bigoted. My dad was just always looking out for everyone, always trying to push or keep people on the right path. He wasn't a bad man, he wasn't.

Sitting in the corner of the room, I watched as shadows came and went under the crack of the door.

...How long is he going to keep me in here? I thought, hugging my knees to my chest. Long enough for me to feel like I'd never leave this place? Long enough for me to just go insane?

My mind trailed off to what he said about everyone here knowing my secret, him seeing through the facade I held up when I was at church.

I made it a point to make sure that I didn't keep secrets from my parents, or anyone else for that matter. Being a priest's kid, I understood what form of responsibility that put on my shoulders. I understood that everyone would be looking at me closely because priest's kids and preacher's kids were usually thought to be bound for screwing up. I didn't want to be looked at as a disappoint. However, I also made it a point to make that I never lied to myself. Dedrich was right, I did have one secret, but I promised myself to make sure that it died with me.

People here could speculate whatever the hell they wanted. If they were right about me, I'd just deny it. Nobody needed to know what I knew. No one.

Being so consumed in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed that someone was trying to get in. Watching the door closely, I hugged my legs tighter, placing my chin on my knees.

"I'm going to need you to come with us." This woman, who was accompanied by a man, said as she looked down at me. "Today we're transferring you to a new location, but before we do that, we need to prepare you first."

...What new location? I thought, getting myself up on my feet. Is this some sort of game? Putting me in different boxes that all look the damn same? Making me think that things were going to change when they really weren't?

"Turn around and place your hands behind you please." The lady said.

Doing as she commanded, I could here the sound of handcuffs being secured around my wrist.

Then they blindfolded me once again.

"...Is that necessary?" I asked in annoyance as they secured the blindfold.

"Very." The man that was with her spoke.

Once they were done with the blindfold, one of them took hold of my arm and guided me in the direction that they wanted me to go.

Walking down wherever the heck it was that I was walking, I could hear those whispers that I heard the first time I was brought here.

"...Poor kid." An unfamiliar voice said next to me. "Compared to the other straights that have been brought in, he's probably gonna get it worse. The man's relentless."

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