☣ Chapter 3 ☣

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The only senses that I was allowed were hearing and touch. They taped my mouth shut and placed a black bag over my head, stripping my sight and my ability to speak away from me like I was some kind of animal.

All I could hear was hushed whispers among a sea of voices, and all I could feel was the tight grip one of my kidnappers had on me.

A million thoughts were rushing through my head.

A million thoughts were telling me I'd soon be dead.

Beads of sweat raced down my forehead, and I could hear myself breathing, the puffs of air escaping my nostrils harsh.

Wherever they were taking me, it was pretty far, and it made my legs tired.

Why is this happening? I thought, my mind having no choice but to trail off, because that's really all I could do at this point; think. Keira. Where'd they take Keira?

My insides were churning as horrible thoughts of what they could have done to her flashed across my mind.

Keira! I mentally screamed, panic settling in. She's probably scared and alone somewhere! No! This isn't happening! I won't let them hurt her!

Anxious and afraid, I started flailing around, the feeling of my kidnapper's hand on me making me want to gag.

"Cut that out!" A harsh voice demanded.

The sound of his voice only made me struggle harder.

"Damn it!" He yelled, wrapping his arms around me to restrain me. "Someone get me a tranquilizer!"

Wait. Tranquilizer? If I'm passed out, I won't be able to find her...or save her in time...

"Mmmmh!" I sounded, trying to get his attention as I stopped struggling.

"Hm. Don't wanna be tranq'ed huh?" He said, sounding amused.

"Mmh Mmmh." I replied, my voice a bit unsteady.

"...Forget the tranquilizer. The brat's decided to calm the hell down." He said, calling it off.

"No more talking." A different voice growled back. "We put that duct tap on your mouth for a reason."

Complying, I shook my head and remained silent.

I need to stay calm, I need to stay calm, I need to stay calm. I repeated over and over again in my head, my anxiety peaking.

"Walk faster." I heard a voice mutter as I was jerked forward. "Now pick up your feet. You'll be climbing stairs."

Doing as the voice told me, I started ascending, the motion making me feel sick.

We suddenly came to a stop. The atmosphere where I was now was quite different; cold.

W-Where am I?

Before I knew it, two hands pressed down on my shoulders, forcing me to sit down in what felt like a chair.

The black bag was finally yanked off of my head, sending my hair sticking up in different directions.

My eyes squinted at the bright light shinning above me, trying to adjust. Once they did, my eyes darted across the room I was sitting in, trying to get a good feel of my surroundings.

The room I was in was completely covered in black paint from top to bottom, and the two windows that were in here had been blacked out by cardboard.

All that was in here was me, the chair, and the light bulb over me...or so I thought.

My ears perked up at the sound of rustling in the corner of the room.

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