Chapter Six - Isabella

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Chapter Six


Snow danced gracefully to the ground. Families held hands as they crossed the parking lot together toward their warm cars, bags full of expensive products, all ready to be wrapped and placed underneath the Christmas tree. Parents laughed as their children told them stories full of nonsense. Watching from in the mall, I sighed, knowing that was how my family was, at least before what happened. Now, we hated the holiday.

Jess bounced on the balls of her feet, hoping to warm up before we would have to take the long walk back to the devil's house. Even inside, her nose was turning a slight pink, a cold slowly creeping up like a sly fox.

"Isabella," Jess whimpered, "can we go now?"

Nodding, I took hold of her small hand and placed my winter hat on her head, making sure her ears were covered. Pushing the glass mall door open, Jess and I turned to the right and started our walk to my uncle's house, wind smacking our faces. Jess whimpered, hiding behind me as snow continued to glide down to the ground. Braving the cold, Jess and I made our way through the un-shoveled sidewalk in front of the mall, trying to keep snow from seeping into our sneakers, since we didn't have winter boots.

"I-I-Isabella," Jess stammered, "I'm tired."

Sighing, I said, "We've only been walking for ten minutes, Jess. Can't you keep going? We're almost there."

Stopping, Jess stomped her foot, crossing her arms. "No, we aren't," she complained. "We still have a long way to go."

"Jess," I took a deep breath, "if you can keep going, I'll take you to Jack's house tomorrow and make you some hot chocolate."

Her eyes lit up, as if she had been told we were going to live in Disney Land forever, away from our evil uncle. We rarely had hot chocolate, Jess' favorite drink during the holidays. Our uncle never went shopping anyway so we never had the ingredients to make the beverage. Besides, Jess loved Jack and considered him as her older brother.

"Fine, but," she yawned, "there will be marshmallows, right?"

She wasn't really asking, but she loved marshmallows and rarely had the pleasure of eating them. I reluctantly gave in.

"Yes, and whipped cream," I said, forcing excitement into my voice, hoping she'd stay awake a bit longer; we were almost there. Well, at least closer than where we were about five minutes ago.

"From the can?" She made a disgusted face. Jess didn't like her whipped cream from a can, only homemade.

"Of course not!" I faked being shocked, covering my mouth. "Only homemade whipped cream for my favorite little sister."

She smiled, genuinely happy for once since she was a toddler.

"I'm your only sister," she yawned, giggling, her stride shortening.

"Jess, you need to stay awake," I told her, nearly dragging her as she slowed. "We're almost there."

"You said that last time," she groaned. "I want hot chocolate, Isabella."

"Then stay awake, please," I begged, not happy for the possibility of carrying Jess the rest of the half an hour walk.

"I can't."

"You can, Jess."

Stopping completely, she swayed, her body forcing sleep, as if the Sand Man had just passed, sprinkling his magic. Before I could register what was happening, Jess blinked repeatedly before her eyes closed. Jumping, I caught my sister so she wouldn't fall face first into the fresh snow. Cursing, I gathered up my remaining strength to pick her up bridal style.

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