Chapter Fourteen - Isabella

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Chapter Fourteen


The minute I dropped Jess off, she hurried to her friends, excitedly telling them about the puppy she was going to receive from, and I quote, "Isabella's boyfriend, Nick." I rolled my eyes, but I'm sure I was blushing slightly at the mention of Nick. Something about him was just...well, inexplicable. He was not like other guys who go for the prettiest girls for good status and popularity. It would all end once they were older, but they didn't care right now.

I kept my head low as I walked toward my high school, dreading the day before it even began. Sylvia would now have an advantage over me with Amber as her 'friend,' and she could use that to ruin my life at school. For some odd reason, I knew I was going to miss school once it was over. Maybe it was because it was my sanctuary away from my uncle, but that would all go down the drain with Sylvia's frequent bullying. I just hoped Amber didn't completely betray the friendship we have.

Well, had.

I was going to be late from this morning's events, but I wasn't worried. I just walked faster. Around me, seniors and juniors were running about in front of the school, having fun despite the cold. If I were them, I would be inside, warm, with a cup of tea. They, on the other hand, wanted to be cool and wait outside until the bell rang so they'd be fashionably late, as they always said. I scoffed, taking bigger strides toward the front door when I saw someone out of the corner of my eye.

Sylvia leaned against the brick wall of the school, her irritating laugh made its way to my ears which I covered. Her cat-like eyes caught me, and she smiled evilly. I refrained from squirming underneath her gaze, grabbing the railing. She whispered something to another girl. I bit my tongue, attempting to keep from screaming in frustration and betrayal.

It was Amber.

Unfortunately, the bell rang and the front door closed. I slammed myself against it, hoping to catch it before a security guard locked it. I didn't make it and was left outside with the popular kids. Frightened, I speed walked toward the back doors. Sylvia and her clique followed like tigers, waiting for a chance to pounce.

Sylvia was the first to make a move. "What's with the black eye, Isabella?" I tensed but continued walking. "Has your uncle been using you as a punching bag again? Or did that guy from Starbucks do it? You're so weak, you don't even stand up for yourself. No one cares about you, and no one ever will. You might as well just die. We'd never notice."

Tears stung my eyes. Not as much because of what Sylvia said because I knew it was all true, except the Nick part, but because Amber had told her. No one ever knew what my uncle did, and I wanted to keep it that way. I guess the title best friend no longer mattered in this society. If any part of my life was juicy enough to spread some form of cruel rumor, it would be done. And since Amber was now under Sylvia's spell, she would vouch for anything she said, whether it was true or not.

 "You're nothing in this world," Sylvia continued, keeping pace with me as the other students stopped to watch. "You're just like a leaf. Once they fall, they're thrown aside and are forgotten. I've never met someone who actually ever talked about a leaf that fell off a tree last year. No one will remember you after this year."

I didn't argue. In this school, I was a nobody. I was lower than the geeks and band nerds. They never had their lunch trays pushed in their faces, only me. Sylvia didn't bother them because I was her favorite toy. She was like a cat; loving when she wanted something, and devilish to anyone else she didn't like.

Sylvia jogged ahead, facing me to stop my advance. She smirked as I bit my lip, waiting for her next attack of words. Her clique circled around, no gaps for me to escape. The teachers had never noticed when she bullied me, and if they did, they hadn't shown any sign of it in the past years.

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