Chapter Eighteen - Isabella

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Chapter Eighteen


Once gym was over, I waited until every other student had filed out of the gymnasium. The girl, whose name was Danielle, smiled at me before leaving behind the others. I stayed back until the coach had left, eyeing me. Once he was gone, I started toward the doors. I jumped as something hit the ground hard behind me.

Nick groaned, laying on his stomach. My backpack and his sweater littered the floor, books and papers flying everywhere. Smiling sheepishly, Nick knelt and began to stuff my materials back into the pack. I covered my laughter and helped him.

"Sorry," he muttered once we had finished.

Before I could respond, the bell rang, and I bolted out of the gym, leaving Nick behind. I turned before I descended the stairs to see Nick leaning against a pillar, watching me. He smiled again and I returned the gesture, avoiding the other students as I made my way to the locker rooms.

Cautiously, I opened the door and ran to my locker. I hadn't seen Sylvia, but she was like a fox; sly. Spinning my lock, it opened. I quickly pulled off my gym uniform and stuffed it into the cube locker. Taking my clothes out, I changed as fast as I could, probably in record time. Laughter made its way to my ears, and I cringed.

I heard Sylvia's high voice snap at someone, and I took a chance, running out of the room. From behind, I heard someone call out my name, but I never turned. Once I was a safe distance away, I paused, hyperventilating. I gripped the railing before climbing the stairs.

I had already imagined Nick leaving me, like everyone else. So I was surprised when I saw his figure still leaning against the pillar, his eyes closed. I bit my lip from happiness and dashed over to him, giving his shoulder a shake. His blue eyes flickered to me, and he grinned, raising an eyebrow.

"Come on," I said, latching onto his upper arm. He didn't protest as I led him toward the doors.

"Isabella!" a voice yelled. I froze and craned my neck to see Danielle, her brown hair floating as she ran. A few guys around us stopped what they were doing to watch her, their jaws dropped. Danielle was technically, with the boys at least, the most popular girl in school. But, since she'd been bullied by Sylvia like me, she wasn't very confident and had never had a boyfriend, like me.

Danielle slid to a stop near Nick and I, her blue Vans in her hands. She smiled and then slipped them on. She wore a pair of dark colored skinny jeans, a cool mint, long-sleeved sweater with lace on the shoulders, and her hair was curled into light waves. Like most girls, she wore make-up, but she didn't wear pounds of it. Just a bit of mascara and eye shadow to make her brown eyes pop. Out of my peripheral view, I saw Nick watch her with wide eyes, and I felt a pang of jealousy.

Then again, I thought, Danielle is way prettier than me.

Nick cleared his throat and shuffled closer to me. I glanced at him. His head was down, eyes fixated on the ground. Danielle eyed him for a second, a confused expression on her face.

"I don't think I've ever seen you around," she confessed, her eyes darting between us. "Are you new?"

Nick shook his head quickly, and I poked his side. He lifted his head and his lips twitched into a grin. Danielle smiled at us, and then addressed me.

"I'm sorry."

I cocked my head to the side, confused. "What for?"

"Speaking out when I shouldn't have," she said, kicking her toe on the ground. "I probably just made things worse between you and Coach."

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