Chapter Sixteen - Isabella

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Chapter Sixteen


My uncle came closer, his grin never wavered. To my left, Nick stood, his body tense as if he knew who my uncle was. I was confused since I thought Nick had never been in our town before, but I guess I was wrong. Nick balled his hands into fists, and I placed a trembling hand on his. He relaxed for a moment, turning his blue eyes to me. I shook my head, standing.

"What are you doing here, Isabella?" my uncle asked, forcing sincerity into his voice. Nick's eyes widened as he glanced at me, then turned back to my uncle.

"What are you doing here?" Nick questioned, his voice hard.

I looked between them. My uncle's face twisted into one of confusion. He had always been a good actor and I wondered if he was acting now or if he knew Nick.

"Have we met before?"

Nick clenched his jaw as Finwë came back with Jess, who cowered behind him. Finwë's jaw dropped, and he nearly dropped the green bowling ball on his feet.

"I-i-it's you," he stammered, eyes darting between Nick and my uncle.

He shook his head. "We've never met."

Nick and Finwë scoffed, crossing their arms over their chests. In that second, Jack came back with the shoes. He dropped them on a chair.

"So I got the--" He paused, glaring at my uncle. "Mark, why are you here? Aren't you usually drinking at Jim's by this time?"

"Jack," Mark sneered, crinkling his nose in disgust. "I've decided to start changing it up. It may do me some good."

Not enough, I thought.

"Jess," he said, his voice higher than an opera singer's. "Come hug your favorite uncle."

"I don't like you," she whispered, clinging to Finwë's leg. Jack protectively moved in front of her as Nick did the same for me. I placed my hand on his shoulder, hoping he wouldn't burst from anger. Something about this whole situation wasn't adding up; I just didn't know what.

"Isabella," he growled, his yellow teeth clenched in frustration. "Come here."

Nick was literally shaking from anger. He stepped closer to Mark, but I quickly pulled him back. From the group my uncle came with stood a man. He came over, grinning just as viciously as my uncle had. The man gripped my uncle's arm, glancing directly at me. I squirmed underneath his gaze as Nick wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Hello," he greeted, forcing my uncle to shut up. None of us spoke up. The man cocked his head to the side, satisfied with our response. His black hair was slicked back, a stray hair standing up. His grey eyes burned holes in me, and he smirked. "Come along, Mark. Let's leave them alone."

It may have been my imagination, but I thought I heard him say for now. I trembled, shaken from the experience. Jess wiped a few tears away and sat on one of the chairs, biting her lip. She glanced at me, her eyes pleading for us to go. As I was about to speak up, the group my uncle came with stood up and left. The man was the last to go, stopping near me.

He chuckled evilly. "This has to be a joke," he said, pulling a slip of paper from his pocket, which I now realized was a business card. "I guess we'll find out eventually."

He dropped the paper near my feet, striding away. My breath caught in my throat as I bent down to pick it up. I read the business card, which advertised a circus. Nick looked over my shoulder, his eyes scanning the slip.

"What did he mean?" Finwë asked, his voice shaking. Jess cried silently as Jack rubbed her back.

"I don't know," Nick admitted, and then looked at Jack. "Do you know?"

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