Chapter 1

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Chapter I

“Come on Lu, please,” persuaded her best friend Nikita, “It’s once in a life time.” Luna rolled her eyes.

“Well at least before we off to college, that is,” chuckled Nikita. “Please!” she begged and whined. Nikita has been begging her to go the masquerade party held at the Hendricks’ place.

It’s not that she wasn’t eager to go, but the Hendricks is the richest family in the area and her mom is working a maid there. She’s never been there even though her mom worked there. She was not allowed to visits her mom by the Hendricks. They doesn’t like unauthorized or uninvited guess like her to be there. To the Hendricks people who are lower standards than them are not allowed to step the footsteps on the mansion. Only rich and famous and people with their own standards are welcome.

The Hendricks has one son and he has decided to celebrate his summer holiday at home before moving to college. Most of her rich friends are going to the party and Nikita was one of them. Even though he’s the same age as Luna and Nikita, they never seen him around because he was sent to boarding school since he was in primary. Well that’s what rich people normally do even though there are good and enough school in the town. Their son has to have the best.

 “I can’t Niki,” Luna whined, “Mom would kill me if she found out I went to that party. Mrs. Hendricks herself will kill me. People like me don’t get invited into rich peoples’ party.”

“Nobody will know you’re there,” she reasoned out, “We all will be wearing a mask. They won’t even recognize you. Come on, please. I have no one to go with but you,” she pleaded again making a sad begging face at Luna.

“You could go with our other friends, Cindy and Amy. They were invited too,” Luna told her rolling her eyes at Nikita.

“I don’t want to go with them,” she whined, “I want to go with my best friend. Come on Lu, please. You’ve never been to this type of party before. Let’s do crazy things together this summer. Let’s flirts with every rich guy in the town before we move to adult hood,” she pleaded again and again. “Aww, please, Lu, please.” When she saw Luna laughing with her she knew she had won.

“But I have nothing to wear,” she tried to make out another excuse.

“Don’t worry my dear, just leave it to Nikita,” smiled Nikita triumphantly and pulled Luna out from her house.

“Niki!” yelled Luna pulling her hand away from Nikita, “I’m not going to let you buy me a dress.”

“Well, I’m not going to buy you any because I know you wouldn’t want it. So, I’m actually paying it in advance for you. You’ll pay me back when you have the money,” she ignored Luna resistance and pulled her again to follow her.

“I don’t have the money. I’m saving it up for college,” Luna told her, “I don’t know whether I could pay you and when?” Nikita knows that Luna would never accept any gifts or present from her. Luna never wanted people to pay anything on her behalf. She would always insist on paying back.

“Its ok,” shrugged Nikita, “Pay me back whenever you have the money. I don’t mind as long as you go to the party with me,” she laughed and got into her Porsche. Luna laughed and got in the car too. She knows that there’s no point arguing with Nikita. She would finally give up.

She has been friends with Nikita since they both starts high school. Nikita was a new student who has just move into the town. Ever since their English teacher, Mrs. Andrew instructed her to sit beside Luna, they were immediately ‘click’. Luna doesn’t know what make them becomes friends almost immediately, maybe because of their opposite personalities that have made them closer and inseparable.

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