Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Leo was stunned with Luna actions. He watched her walking away from him. Feeling angry and annoyed with her, he walked out of the hotel. He’s text Jenna telling her that he has to leave early because some urgent business calls.

He didn't go back home but asked his driver to sent him to a pub instead. He ordered a bottle of whiskey to drink up his frustration. He needed to get her out from his system. He couldn't believe she denied him. Telling him that Terry guy is better than him. Telling him that he could never paid the price that Terry guy is paying her. How much that Terry guy paying her? Millions? Could it be that he's the one sponsoring her lifestyle right now? Is that the reason why she didn't and can't leave him? Does she think that he's not rich enough to give her more than that Terry guy is giving her? Well, she's wrong. He could pay her more than that Terry guy could provide her. He would give her more luxuries than she have right now. Yeah, he's going to prove it to her that he's better than that Terry guy. He's going to get her from that guy.

Gulping his last drink, he stood up and paid up his drink and walked out from the pub hailed a cab and directed him towards Luna's apartment. She’s probably with that Terry guy at the moment but to hell with it. He wanted her to be his and he's going to do that tonight. With his semi-drunken state, he got into the elevator pressing her floor number.

Luna has just got back from the function and has just changed into her pantsuit and tank top and cleaning her make-up away. She's too can't stop thinking about Leo. Thinking about how she nearly going to follow him to where ever he’s taking her. Thank god she's able to control herself and managed to deny him, even though she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. God, why can't she get him out from her system? Why does she still wanted and desired him?

Her door bell rang woke her up from her thoughts. Who could it be at this time of the night? She looked at her watch and it’s nearly 2.00 in the morning. She put down her towel and peeped through the peephole to see who it was. To her surprise she saw Leo pressing the doorbell non-stop.

With the lock still lashed on the door, she opened it and peeped her head at the door, “What are doing at here at this hour Leo?” she asked him. His face was red indicating he was drunk.

“I want you,” he said directly, “I want you tonight,” he said again in between his hiccups.

“Go home Leo, it's late,” she told him trying to close the door but Leo was strong to enough to stop her.

“No! I want you tonight!” he told her while pushing the door at the same time.

 “Go home Leo,” Luna told him sternly, “I'm with someone at the moment,” she lied, “So please leave.”

“No, I'm not leaving!” he told her, “Let me in Luna. If not, I’ll create havoc and made so much noise that would wake up your neighbors,” he threatened. “They will call the authorities and tomorrow your name and picture will be in front page. You don’t want that don’t you?”

“What do you want to do, Leo?” she asked again, “You’re drunk and it’s late. Please just leave.”

“No!! I’m not leaving!!” he yelled loudly much to Luna dismay. “Let me in!!” and tried to push the door again.

“Leo stopped it!!” gritted Luna through her teeth trying her best not to make a scene and most probably waking up her neighbors.

“No!! I won’t stop until you let me in,” he yelled again while kicking and pushing the door making a scene.

Luna sighed and finally gave up. She unlocked and opened her door. Leo pushed the door wide and walked into her living room, “Where is he? I want him to leave. I'll pay him whatever amount he wanted. I want him to leave you. I don't want his filthy hands or body on you. You're mine, no one can have you.” Luna would be happy to hear that if he really meant what he said but she knows that he's was saying those words because he couldn't have her.

“Where is he?” he asked and walked towards her master bedroom, “Terry!!” he yelled, “Come out and leave now!!” but was shock to see no one was there and the bed look like nobody has been sleeping on it.

“Leo,” Luna tried to stop him but Leo kept on walking.

“Terry!!” he yelled again and moved towards the kitchen, “Where is he Luna?!!” he angrily asked her. “Tell him to leave.”

He then moved towards the second bedroom and pushed the bedroom door hard but again didn't find anyone there,

“There's no one here!!” Luna yelled at him but he doesn't seem to believe her, “I lied!!” Luna told him. “There's no one here. There's never been anyone here. Not a single man had ever come here but YOU!!”

Leo was stunned with her words. He stared at her depressing face and even in his semi-drunken state he could see that she's telling the truth.

“I want you Luna,” he said staring at her face, “I really want you tonight. Please don't deny me, please. I need you, I need you tonight,” he pleaded.

Luna stared at him who was looking at her with pleading and desire in his eyes. She just couldn't deny herself any longer. She wanted him too but Leo couldn't contained himself any longer and without warning grabbed Luna waist and kissed her but this time, instead of an urgent kiss like he usually did, his kiss was passionate one making Luna moaned and succumbed to his wish as they both slummed onto her waiting bed.

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