Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Nikita was worried when she couldn’t find Luna among the guests and went to the backstage looking for her. She saw Leo’s mother walking out from the backstage with a wicked satisfactorily smile on her face. She never liked Leo’s mother but don’t know why. She smiled at the lady as she passed her but was ignored.

“Bitch,” Nikita cursed and said softly to herself, “Now I know why I don’t like her,” and proceed into looking for Luna. She finally found Luna sitting on a stool, crying.

“Gosh, Lu, what’s happened?” she concernedly asked as she immediately got down and hugged her distressed friend. “Did that Cruella said something to you?”

“Don’t blame her, Niki,” sob Luna defending Leo’s mother, “I should have remember who I am. I’m just a maid’s daughter. I’m not supposed to be friends with you guys. You shouldn’t be my friends, Niki,” she sobbed, “We are in two different worlds.”

“What different world?” asked Nikita angrily, “You in Mars and I’m in Pluto? Is that it? Gosh Lu, how many times did I have to tell you don’t ever listen to whatever people say about you? There are no difference between the rich and poor AND friendship definitely doesn’t care about that!!” she stressed and hugged Luna tightly, “No matter who you are, I will always love you and be there for you,” she whispered in Luna eyes. Her tears was flowing down her eyes too, “Don’t you ever tell me not to be your friend.”

Both of them were sobbing now, hugging each other tight as if their live depend on it, “I love you too Niki,” Luna whispered back, “Thanks for being my friend.”

They were hugging for quite a long time and finally it was Nikita who released her, “Now,” she said wiping her tears, “Tell me what Cruella said to you?”

“It’s not nice to call people names,” chuckled Luna at the same time wiping her tears too.

“Gosh, you still want to defend her? After all she did or say to you?” grumbled Nikita.

“I’m not defending her,” defend Luna, “It just that it not nice to do that to people no matter what they did to you.”

Nikita rolled her eyes, “Whatever. Now tell me what she said to you,” she instructed.

“Hmm, nothing actually, I’m just too emotional that’s all,” denied Luna.

Nikita snorted, “Lu, don’t deny it. I know she must have said something to you. Tell me!” she demanded but Luna still hesitated.

“Nothing,” responded Luna, “Gosh you look like a mess,” she joked instead. “I think I must be looking like a mess too. We better put back our make-up and go back inside before Mira start to look for us,” and make a move towards the dressing room.

“I thought I am you friend,” pouted Nikita.

“Of course you are, Niki,” soothed Luna.

“If I’m your friend you shouldn’t hide anything from me,” grunted Nikita. Luna sighed and gave a pleading look at Nikita.

Looking at her face Nikita asked “She said something about you seeing Leo is it? Has she threatened you or something?”

Luna bit her lips and remained quiet, “What did she say? That, you are not good enough to be his friend because you’re her maid daughter?” Nikita asked again, “She asked you stay away from him or else she’ll make you life a living hell?!!”

Luna sighed nodding her head softly, “So what are you going to do?” asked Nikita, “Back out and giving up?”

“I think it the best,” Luna nodded again, “I didn’t want to make things worst both for me and him. He should be friends with somebody who’s his mother’s prefer. You know someone with their standard, someone who is way much better than me. I’m sure he doesn’t have any problem in finding those qualities,” she shrugged as if didn’t care but she don’t know why, her heart felt like its tearing to pieces when she realised that she could never see him again.

“So you’re not coming afterwards?” Nikita queried.

Nodding her head Luna said, “Like I said it for the best.”

“And you’re going to left him standing, waiting for you?” Nikita asked.

“Bring Amy with you,” suggested Luna, “I don’t think he would mind.”

Nikita smirked, “Yeah, like hell he wouldn’t,” she sneered, “Damn it Lu, can’t you see that guy like you a lot?!”

“What the point Niki?!!” frustrated Luna yelled, “What’s the point if his mother doesn’t like me?”

“It’s not his mother you are going to make friends, it’s him,” Nikita pointed out, “He doesn’t care who you are.”

“He will when he found out who I am!” yelled Luna again, then she sighed, “Please Niki, please try to understand. I don’t want something bad to happen to me or him, ok?” looking at Nikita pleadingly.

“What did she threaten you? She will fire your mother?” Nikita could guess again just from Luna statement, “Damn that Bitch!! She thinks she owns the world?!! ”

“You know how influences the Hendricks are, Niki? We need money for my studies and my mother’s medical.  Anyway, she’s doing it’s all for his son’s best interest,” defended Luna.

“Damn Lu,” cursed Nikita, “Will you stop defending her?” rolling her eyes at the same time.

“I’m not,” chuckled Luna while Nikita glared at her. After a while Luna asked to her, “So, you going to ask Amy to go with you?”

Nikita shook, “I’m not sure yet. Best I tell Andrew that you’re not coming. See what he suggested?” She took out her phone from the pocket and started to type the message to Andrew.

“What reasons are telling him?” Luna asked standing besides her.

“What else?” she shrugged, “You suddenly not feeling well and going home to rest.”

“Thanks,” smiled Luna.

A few minutes later an incoming message came in from Nikita’s phone, “He said, Leo looked disappointed. He said no need to bring anyone else because Leo said he’s going home,” she told Luna before Luna could ask.

Luna smiled weakly, she felt disappointed too but what can she do. She sighed, “Thank Niki,” hugged Luna, “Please promise you won’t tell Andrew about this,” she said and when Nikita rolled her she added, “Please Niki, promise me.”

Nikita let out a loud sigh, “I won’t.”

They both went back inside the function after both touch-up their make-up. To Luna relieved, Leo’s mother had totally ignored her after that and mingling around with her group of friends. The function finally finished an hour later and Nikita left to meet Andrew alone. Luna stayed around to help to cleaned up the place with the rest of the workers. After all, she will be working there as one of the sales girl tomorrow and she didn’t mind the extra work.

She finally finished all the cleaning up and rearranging the place by the evening. They closed the place and after saying goodnight to rest of the workers and Mira, she decided to walk home instead as her house not really that far away. Furthermore, it’s still early and many people were walking by the area.  Anyway she really needed a fresh air after what had happened between her and Leo’s mother.  

She was just a few meters away from the shop she heard someone said to her, “I thought, you suppose to be at home resting.”

She immediately stopped and turned around. It was Leo looking at her with his arms folded in front of his chest as if waiting for her to explain.

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