Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Leo was chairing his company meeting and one of his staff was explaining the detail on the slides but his mind wasn’t there. It actually has drifted towards Luna. He hasn’t stopped thinking about her since last night after meeting her again.

Leo couldn’t understand why he wanted to follow her to her apartment last night. Maybe he was actually curious to see how her place looks like. It is really a surprise for someone like her to stay in a place that simple. Her “Sugar Daddy” would definitely want a luxurious place for his girl, isn’t it? Well maybe it just a cover up so that no one would suspect or maybe they wanted their affair to remain a secret and have they time together somewhere else. Yeah, he nodded his head it must be just a cover up.

She really covers it up well, he thought. She didn’t even expose who the person she’s having an affair with. Maybe the guy wasn’t invited to Andrew’s party last night. Maybe both Andrew and Nikita didn’t even know she’s having such affair. She acted innocent in front of them and they must have believed she’s innocent but they don’t really know what a bitch she really is. He was blinded and stupid once with her innocence but not anymore. Reality had taught him that people like her could not be trusted.

He wondered how much they paid her to get her to sleep with them. Damn!! He scolded himself. Just thinking of her being intimate with someone else has made something inside him boiled up. Felling jealous, angry and all feelings mixed inside him. He feels like punching the guys whoever had been with her. Why does he felt angry, he asked himself again? It’s her life. It’s up to her how she leads her life.

“Mr. Hendricks?” his staff called him waking him up his thoughts. Everyone was looking weirdly at him. They must have been noticed that he been drifting off and not concentrating on what was presented.

He cleared his throat and looked at the screen and the paper in front of him pretending that he actually thinking about what had been presented. “I think you all have done a good job here,” he praised them and clapped his hands followed by the rest who seems happy with his comments. With that he adjourned his meeting.

Sitting alone in his office room his mind wondered about Luna again. Damn, he cursed, why he can’t stop thinking about her? She still have effect on him and just by thinking about her had made his heart pounding so hard and increased his needs to have her. Damn, he wanted her, really wanted her. He wanted to know how she was like in bed. Does she still act innocent as she normally was? Was she blushing all the way through? Well maybe one night with her will make him stopped thinking about her, he thought. Maybe that’s what he needs to do, end his curiosity about her. He’s sure he’s able to pay her price.

He called up Andrew asking for Luna’s number and without hesitation his friend gave it to him. Smirking Leo dialed her number and after a few rings, she finally answered her call.

“Hello,” her voice was breathless as if she’s was running to pick up the phone. Maybe she’s expecting someone special to call her, Leo thought, but wow, her voice was sexy when she’s out of breath he noted.

“Hi, it’s me Leo,” he told her, and there’s a silence on the other side. “Did I call you at the wrong time?”

Luna was actually panicked when she heard Leo’s voice again. How did he know her number and why is he calling? She asked herself.

Taking a deep breath and calming herself down she’s answered, “Oh, hi Leo,” she shuttered, “No, I just finished my shooting,” she explained. “We’re packing up to go home.”

“Hmm, that’s great. Is that means you are free now?” he asked.

“Well,” she hesitated at first, “Yeah,” she slowly replied, “Why?”

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