Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

None of them have realized that Leo had come home. Mrs. Hendricks face turned pale because managed to be caught by her son while Luna looked relieved and immediately rushed towards Leo open arms. She hugged him while Leo wrapped his arm around her making her felt secured and protected.

With his arms still wrapped around Luna, Leo looked at his mother, who was glaring in disgust at both of them, “You’re going to do that to your own mother??” she snorted at him making Luna turned and looked at her.

With his arms still securely wrapped around Luna, Leo said in a serious tone “Yes, if that’s the only way from me to stop you from harassing and threatening her to leave me.”

“I’m doing it to protect you from her. I’m doing it for you. I didn’t want you to be hurt by her,” she said to him. “Can’t you see what she’s doing to you? She’s using her body to seduce you. Girls like her are only after your money and status. What more being a super model like her? They only after rich men and they always dreaming of marrying rich men like you to support their lifestyle. Once they make full use of your money they will leave you.”

“Don’t ever compare Luna with the rest of the models,” Leo angrily said to her, “She’s not like that. She loves me for what I am, no matter how rich or poor I am. She’s not after my money or status. She had enough of her own. She could earn it herself without my help which she has been doing for years!!”

His mother shook her head, “God!! You really are blinded by her. That’s why you can’t see the truth!!”

“I have seen the truth. I even heard the truth,” pointed Leo.

“How sure you are that she don’t love you for your money?!!” his mother sneered. “She’s using her body to seduce you and you blindly fall into her charms. God, if you like her body so much, just remained her as you mistress!!” she scoffed. “I think I rather accept her as your mistress than your wife!!”

Luna gasped hearing it while Leo looked angrily at this mother, “She’s wasn’t my mistress!! I would never ever make her my mistress!!! She is never that low!!” he fumed. “I’ve told you last night, mother, nothing you could ever do or say to make me change my mind about her. I love her and I’m marrying her whether you agree or not,” he sternly told her.

“You don’t love her!!” his mother resorted, “You just lust for her, just like you did years ago.”

“I love her and it’s not lust, mother,” stressed Leo, “Its love, pure love. I could feel it in my heart. I very sure it’s love because I feel the need to protect her. Protect her from being harm especially by you.”

“In other words, you choose this bitch over me your mother!!!” she questioned him with an angry tone.

“Yeah,” Leo nodded.

“God Leo, you are so blind, blinded by her beautiful and luscious body!! Can you see that she making you go against your own mother? Me, your mother who had brought you into the world and brought you up into being what you are today!! You just know her for how long, seven or eight years? While I have been caring for you for 26 years and you choose her over me!!!”

“That’s because you didn’t give me any choice,” Leo said calmly to her. “I don’t even want to choose but you make me do it. If you just accept the fact that I love and want to marry her. If you could just accept her as part of the family and give us blessing, I don’t have to choose. I have both you and her,’ he sadly looked at his mother as if pleading her to understand.

But instead her mother cast hatred looked at Luna, “I would never accept this low class girl in my family!!” she said in disgust and then looked at Leo, “Well you have your choice and you choose her. You must realize now that when you are no longer my son, all the money and status you have right now would no longer be yours. I want to see whether you could survive without money and status. I going to see you crawl and beg me to give those back to you once she left you when you are left with nothing!!” she threatened.

“That won’t happen, Mrs. Hendricks,” it was Luna who answered her, “As I said to you earlier, I love Leo, not his money or status. Therefore, I think Leo will survive because I will continue to love and support him as I know he will continue to love me. Our love is there to support us and we will survive.”

Leo cast a proud smile, “Did you hear that mother? Do whatever you want to do with me. Take whatever you want to take from me but if you ever do anything to harm Luna or her family and friends, I will not reluctant to drag you to jail. Be sure of that,” he told his mother, “And now I think it best you leave my house, before, I drag you out.”

The old lady huffed angrily. Angry that they both are not feeling threaten by her threat, “I shall leave but I’m sure you’ll regret with you choice, Leo,” with that she leave them both alone.

Luna cast a sad look at Leo, “I’m sorry you have to choose, Leo,” she apologized.

“Don’t be, because I’m not,” Leo said to her looking intensely into her eyes, telling her he really means it, “I love you, Lu. No matter what happen I will choose you.”

Luna smile sadly at him. She happy but at same time sad about what had just happened between Leo and his mother, “I love you too, Leo,” she said to him, but I feel bad. Because of me you have to choose between me and your mother, because of me, you loose a mother.”

Leo tilted her chin making her look at him and chuckled softly, “Well we could call it even then, because you lose your mother because of me too. I’m the caused of my mother keep on humiliating and threatening you until you mom got a heart attack and die. So we are even.”

Hearing what Leo said to her, she felt touched and couldn’t stop her tears from falling, “I love you much, Leo,” she said hugging him tightly, “I promised you I’ll make you happy and you’ll never regret with your decision.”

Leo held her tightly, “You already did that, baby” and he whispered softly, “You already make me the happiest man alive. I know I’ve made a right decision and together with your love we will managed to go through whatever obstacles that may come.”

Even though she’s happy about Leo’s love towards her but she still couldn’t stop feeling guilty about what happened between Leo and his mother. The event kept playing in her mind especially his mother’s shocking and hurt face when Leo told her that she has chose Luna.  Luna knew that would make Leo’s mother hated her more by the way she cast a look at Luna before she left.

They went out for dinner and Leo has taken her to her favorite place. Luna noticed that Leo had been quiet throughout the dinner. Maybe he was sad about what happen between him and his mother but doing his best to hide his feeling from her. She asked him but he kept ensuring that everything was fine. After finished eating their dinner they both went outside the restaurant waiting for the jockey to bring their car to the front.

Suddenly a car coming fast purposely target towards Luna, and to save her from being hit, Leo pushed Luna making her fall to the side. When she got up she managed to take a glimpsed at the driver and to her surprised it was his mother.

Luna turned around towards Leo but found he was lying on the road not moving at all.

“No!!” she screamed, “Leo!! No!!” and ran towards his motionless body.

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