Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

“Leo!!” yelled Nikita when she saw him waiting hopelessly sitting on the chair with hands on his head. He looked up at Nikita with tears of regret in his eyes, “How is she?” she asked concernedly

“The doctors are still with her,” Leo told her sadly.

“What happened?” Nikita asked.

He stood up and hugged her, “It’s all my faults,” he sobbed.

“What actually happened?” asked Andrew standing besides them.

“We quarreled,” he told them with a regret in his voice “I tried to stop her from leaving me and she fall down the stairs.”

“What are you quarrelling about?” asked Nikita.

With tears streaming down his eyes he told her softly, “We found out she’s pregnant this morning.”

Nikita looked at Leo, “Luna pregnant?” she softly asked Leo.

Leo nodded, “That’s the reason why we quarreled. I asked her to abort the baby.”

 “What??” both Nikita and Andrew asked at the same time, “Why?”

“Because I don’t think the baby is mine,” he stressed.

“What make you think that?” asked Nikita angrily.

“She’s been with other man before this, who knows whose the father,” he pointed out and received a hard slapped from Nikita.

“How dare you said that to her?” said Nikita angrily. “You think she’s a whore?!!”

“She’s a super model. What do you want me to think about her?!!” he yelled at Nikita. “She’s been with that Terry guy and who knows maybe he has been supporting her all this while?” he accused and this time Andrew was the one who punched him on his face.

“Don’t you say those things about her!!” he gritted his teeth angrily at Leo, “You don’t know her and don’t accuse her of something she didn’t do. She’s doesn’t deserved to be accused of all those things especially from you!!”

“I don’t know her?!!” asked Leo. “Then why don’t you tell me about her? Tell me how am I supposed to trust someone who had betrayed my trust 8 years ago? Tell me what am I suppose to think about someone who chose my mother’s money over me? Tell me what am I suppose to think about her when she told me that money means everything to her? Tell me, Andrew!! Tell me!!”

“She didn’t betray you,” said Andrew softly making Leo stared at him. “She never took your mother’s money.  She didn’t choose your mother’s money over you but she chose to let you have better life.”

“What?” Leo queered.

“That’s the truth Leo,” injected Nikita. “She didn’t take your mother’s money. She pretended she did because that would make you leave her.” Leo looked at both Nikita and Andrew demanding them to explain.

“You both know the truth and you keep it from me and let me hate her for all this 8 years?” Leo angrily asked them.

Andrew cast him a regret look, “We’re sorry Leo. We know we shouldn’t keep it from you but we have promised Luna and we’re thinking that was the best for both of you at that time.”

“Why don’t you both let me decide what’s best for us instead?” he regrettably asked.

“We didn’t want Luna to be hurt further Leo,” add Nikita, “She has suffered so badly and we didn’t want her to suffer any more.”

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