Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Once Andrew and Nikita left them alone, Leo immediately rushed beside Luna and hugged her tightly, “I'm so sorry, I so damn sorry,” he weeps.

Luna cried with him. Tears were streaming down both their eyes. She hugged him too which make her feel secure and save. That’s what normally she felt whenever she’s in his arm. He always managed to make her felt that way.

“I love you. I love you so much,” he said those words that she been longing to hear from him.

He let her go but touching her face with both his hands and touched his forehead with hers while he teary eyes looked deeply into hers. “I'm so sorry,” he apologized again, “I'm so stupid. I’ve listen to my head instead of listening to my heart. I love you but instead I choose to listen to head not to trust you. My heart keep telling me that you love me and you never meant to hurt me, but I refused to listened. I am so stupid. So damn stupid and because of it, I'm going to lose you again,” he sobbed. Luna just cried hearing his words, she’s speechless.

“I love you, Lu, never stopped loving you,” he repeat. “Please let me continued to love you. Please continued to love me too, please baby, please,” he pleaded “I don't know if I could ever live without you again. I need you baby. I need you in my life. I need you for me to continue living in this world. There's nothing I ever wanted in this world but YOU. All that I ever wanted is you, no one else but YOU. Without you my life would be meaningless. Without you I don't think I ever want to continue living. You are part of me baby. You complete me. Please baby; please don't push me out from your life again, please.

He weeps and continued, “I promised you, this time nothing or no one would ever come between us. I promised you that. Nothing is going to stop me from continued loving you. Please give me a chance to show and prove to you that you really mean a world to me. Please baby, please let us love each other again, please,” he begged again. “I love you, I love you so, so much, please,” and he kissed her.

Telling her how he really felt towards her through his kiss. He wanted her know that he really loves her, need her and kissing her was the only way for him to expressed all that. He can’t lose her, he told himself. He needed her and he never ever wanted to lose her again.

Luna could feel him. She could also feel all her defense to denied him is slipping away. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. She needed him as much as he needed her and she loves him as much as he loves her. She could feel that part of her already willingly to start all over with him but part of her still afraid that she will be hurt again.

Luna stopped the kiss and cried on his lips. She pulled away from him looking at her hands and softly said to him, “I don’t think you and I are meant to be together. I don’t want us to end-up hurting each other again. So, I think it’s best that we go our separate ways. I think you will be happier ….”

Leo put his fingers on her lips shutting her down, “No, no, no,” as he shook his head in between his sobbed, “I could never be happy without you. I’ve been through it 8 years ago. I’ve been so miserable without you 8 years ago, Lu. I can’t go through that again.”

He make her looked at him, “Please baby, please, give me the chance to make all the amendments on what have gone wrong between us. Please don’t push me away again. Please let me continue to love you, please,” he begged. “I’ve never stopped loving you. I think that’s the reason why I keep on wanting you. I tried to deny you but unsuccessful. For the past years I did my very best to forget and hate you but I can’t,” he told her.

Holding her hands in his, he continued, “I’ll make sure that this time no one or nothing will ever come between us anymore. Nothing is going to make me stopped loving you. Not even my mother for that matter. I’m going to fight for your love. I’m going to give you all the love you supposed to get from me 8 years ago and I demand you to give me all that love I’m suppose to get from you for the past 8 years too. You owe me that much, Lu. You owe me your love and I want that now,” he said sternly but with pleading eyes.

Luna bites her lips and touched his face, “I don’t want to be hurt again, Leo,” she said softly to him, “And I don’t want to hurt you again too.”

Leo touched her hand that was on his cheek, “You never going to hurt me Lu just as long as you love me and I promised will never hurt you ever again. I’ll make sure no one or nothing could ever hurt you again. I’m going to mend your heart and you are going to do the same with me. I want to pamper you with my love. I want to take care and protect you,” he said softly to her at the same time wiping the tears from her eyes, “Please let me do that. Let me do something that I’m supposed to do 8 years ago. Protect and care of you. I’ve been so blind and stupid for the past 8 years to realize how much you have suffered. I should be there with you. I shouldn’t have easily given up on you. I should fight for you instead,” he said in a regret tone.

Luna pulled him neared to her, “It’s not you fault,” she said to him softly, “I was at fault. I shouldn’t do what I did to you. I’ve make you hate me. I’m the one you make you not to trust me. I’m sorry,’ she sobbed again.

Leo hushed her with his fingers again and wipes her tears away, “Don’t be,” he said to her softly, “You did what you have to do. I would have done the same thing if it happened to me and that’s shows how much you love me,” he titled her chin making her looked at him, “You do love me back then, don’t you?” he asked.

Luna nodded softly and Leo smiled, “You still love me, don’t you?” he asked again and Luna nodded again, “You will continue to love me, won’t you?” this time looking into her eyes with plead, longing and hunger, all in one.

Luna looked at him with tears again and she hugged him nodding her head without a word. Leo wrapped his arm tightly around her as if scared she would run away while she continued sobbing in his arms.

“You will never stop loving me, won’t you?” Leo asked softly.

“I can never stop loving you,” Luna said in between her sobbed. “I love you. I love you so much,” she told him.

Leo pulled her to look at her, “Say that again,” he demanded softly.

Luna smiled but tears still rolling down her eyes, “I love you,” she said and Leo didn’t waste time any longer and crushed his lips on her. Kissing her with all the love he felt and Luna returned the kiss with the same feelings.

“You never know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say those words to me,” he looked at her when they pulled apart and wiping her tears tenderly.

“I’m sorry for keeping it from you all this years. I’ve been longing to say those words to you too,” she told him, “but I never had the chance.”

“Don’t worry,” Leo said to her, “No one or nothing going stop you for saying all those words to me again. I’ll make sure of that,” he assured her. “I’ll make sure that this time no one or nothing will ever come between us anymore. Nothing is going to make me stopped loving you. I’m going to give you all the love you supposed to get from me 8 years ago and I want you to give me all that love I’ve been missing too. Its repayment time,” he smiled at her before continued, “I’m going to make love to you over and over again until I make you pregnant with my baby again,” he said while his hand tenderly touched her stomach, “and this time, I’m going to make sure it’s stay there until it’s time to come out.”

Luna blushed at his words, “Will you let me have 3 of your babies?” Luna teased.

Leo pretended to think and then said, “No,” he shook his head, “I’m going to give you a dozen of mine,” he joked making Luna laughed and then winced. She could still feel some pain in her body.

Leo immediate attended to her, “I’m sorry. I have made you in pain,” he said to her with regret tone, “If I believed what you’ve told me, our baby would still be alive.”

Luna touched his face and could see tears in his eyes, “It’ not your fault,” she soothed him; “We both are to be blamed for our actions.”

“Promised me on thing,” Leo said to her, “Promised that from now on you will never hide anything from me. Don’t ever decide what’s best for me alone. Let’s decide together.”

Luna nodded, “I will never do that again because I’ll never want to lose you again especially your trust,” promised Luna and sealed it with a kissed.

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