Chapter 3

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~Day 1 of dating Kuroko~

"Aya, there's someone here to walk you to school!" My mom said as she opened my door and popped her head into my room.

"Ugh.....five more minutes" I croaked with my sleepy voice.

"She's all yours then." Mom muttered to someone outside the door.

"Hai." A soft voice answered.

I ignore it and instead roll over so my back is now facing the door. I am not a morning person just to tell you.

I hear someone walk into my room.

"Ano..Suzuki-san we're going to be late for school if you don't hurry." The voice from before whispered in my ear. The breath tickled my neck and smelt like peppermints.

"EEK!" I jump up in my bed when I registered who's voice it was. "K-K-Kuroko-kun!" I place a hand on my ear, which still had the lingering warmth from before. "W-What a-are y-you doing here?"

He smiles at me and answers. "I came to walk my girlfriend to school."

"O-oh" I look down to my lap as a blush starts to show on my face. Then I realized my situation.....I was still in my pj's. "A-Ano...Kuroko-kun, could you please leave so I can get dressed?" I ask bringing my comforter up to my chest.

Kuroko notices my predicament and starts to blush himself. "H-hai, I'll wait outside the door." Him muttered before leaving my room.

After he left I quickly jump out of bed and get dressed for school.

'Good thing I took a shower last night.'

I then leave my room pass Kuroko and enter the bathroom. As I brushed my teeth I am appalled at me hair. It was going every which way like it had a mind of its own. I try my best to tame it, but it still didn't look the best.

Giving up on my hair I exit the bathroom and awkwardly stand in front of Kuroko. I look down at his feet since I'm still a little embarrassed about before.

I then feel something strong and warm on my head. I look at Kuroko and realize that he's fixing my untameable hair.

"There." He said removing his hands. I reach up and touch my hair. It felt different from before so I went back into the bathroom to examine his work.

I was shocked. My usual unruly hair was parted on the side and was staying in place.

"What kind of magic did you pull Kuroko-kun?" I asked the boy still looking at my hair in the mirror.

He softly laughs at me leaning against the bathroom doorway. "It's called my hair is the same way and I've learned the trick of taking care of it." He calmly explained.

I narrowed my eyes as I looked at his hair. There was no way his hair was like mine. His soft teal hair always seemed to be perfect. "I-I d-don't believe you."

"Ouch." The emotionless boy said. "Anyway we should probably head to school now."

"Oh right." I exit the bathroom and go to the kitchen. I grab a small breakfast and my lunch that Mom nicely made for me. "L-lets g-go then." I nervously smile at Kuroko.

He gave me a small smile and then we headed out.

As we are walking there is a comfortable silence between us. It was nice in my opinion because I didn't have to talk as much. Not that I don't enjoy talking to Kuroko I just find it hard still.

"A-ano...Suzuki-san?" My gaze whips to the teal-haired boy beside me as he spoke.

Kuroko was acting like he wanted to ask something but was too embarrassed to. "Nani? (What?)" I softly ask.

"W-W-Would it be....okay...if we held hands?" He asked covering his mouth with his hand. I look at him in surprise but then look down to the ground. "I-I m-mean we're dating so.."

"S-sure. ." I mutter.

As our hands touch there was a spark that seemed to erupt between us. Both of our faces were dyed with a deep crimson color as we made our way to school.

A/N: there's the next chapter for you! Thanks for reading!

Ja ne minna-san!

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