Chapter 9

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"Promise me one thing though." Kuroko says to the girl beside him as they walked down the street.

"Nani? ( What? ) " she questioned, smiling at the bluenette.

"That we'll always be together." The boy said with his voice thick with emotion.

"Hai!" She exclaimed as her smile widened.

~Years Later

"Aya I'm home!" I hear my husband say as he gently closes the front door behind him. Nigou ran over barking, to his fovorite 'master', to welcome him home.

"Welcome home!" I say, beaming over the food I was preparing for supper.

We've been married a little over a year. My Dad refused to let us get married until I was at least 20. So on my 20th birthday Tetsuya proposed to me in the most romantic way possible. Well at least in my opinion.


The both of us had wasted our day off from school and our part time jobs together to celebrate my birthday.

It was about to get dark outside when Tetsuya had the great idea to go get vanilla shakes at Maji burger. I walked beside him as we held hands almost the whole way. We entered into the restaurant, Tetsuya holding the door for me like the gentleman he was. We both ordered our usual and I was about to go sit at 'our' table.

"Wait, Aya." I blushed, the sound of my name rolling off of his tongue. It still made my heart pound to this day.

"What?" I asked looking back at him.

"Let's take a walk on the beach" He smiled, his beautiful smile that never ceased to melt my heart. I nodded my head and followed him toward the beach. While on our way he seemed to be nervous. Whenever he looked at me he'd blush bright red.

Finally, Tetsuya stopped and faced the ocean before sitting down on the sand. He smiled up at me and patted the space to his left. I sat right next to him.

"So what are we doing here?" I asked after taking a sip of my shake

"We are going to sit here and watch the sunset and wait for the point when the sun connects with the edge of the water. Then the color will explode over the sky making the sky beautiful." Tetsuya said as he looked into my eyes.

"Wow, that was dramatic." I sarcastically say as I smiled at him.

Tetsuya gives me a look that seemed to day 'your not helping'. I laugh at his discomfort, which I had no idea what it was about. He then moved in front of me. "Okay here goes nothing." He whispers resting his hands on my shoulders. "You're cute and I'm cute, together we can make some cute babies. Will you be mine forever?" Tetsuya says getting really red at his own words. Then he pulled out the most beautiful ring. "Aya, will you be my wife?"

I looked at the ring and then at his face. He was asking THE question. My face then flushed to match the beautiful sunset in front of me.

"Y-Yes!" I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

~End Flashback~

I felt strong arms slip around my waist as I was in the middle of my thoughts.

"Why are you so happy?" Tetsuya spoke as he trailed kisses down my neck.

"Oh just remembering how you proposed to me. And the cheesy pick up line you used. I still can't believe you had Izuki-sempai make it up for you." I tease as I smile at the pouting bluenette behind me.

Little did he know that that wasn't the only thing that was making me happy.

"So what's for supper?" He asks wanting to change the subject, since he still gets embarrassed of his words from back then.

"Your favorite. Omelets. [Don't know if they really are, but just pretend ^^]" I grin.

"Yum. How long until it's done?" He asks resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Oh another 10 to 15 minutes. Why?" I lean my head back and give him a peck on the cheek.

"Just wondering if I had enough time to jump in the shower is all." He shrugs, sadly letting me go.

"Oh yeah! Go ahead, just don't jump in too hard. Wouldn't want you getting hurt." I tease.

"Hai hai." He says dryly before leaving the kitchen.

'At least that will give me a little more time to get ready.' My heart quickens at the thought of what I'm about to tell him tonight. That I'm, no we, are pregnant!


I had just finished setting the table when Tetsuya rushed through the door.

"Aya is this what I think it is?" He asks holding out the pregnancy tester.

I froze for a split second before I smiled widely over at him. "Hai!" Tears starting to fall.

"I-Is it legit?" He asks still unsure how to react.

"Yes, I went to the doctor's this afternoon." I say as I pat my belly. "We're going to be parents." I choke out with happiness.

Tetsuya comes over to me and lifts me up in his arms swings me around. "We're going to be parents!" He says, joy radiating off of his face.

By now both of us were crying in joy as we stood there in each others arms. Since Tetsuya was much taller now, he rested his head on mine while I buried my face in his chest.

"I can't believe it. I'm going to be a dad." Tetsuya mumbles, still surprised at my news.

"Mmm" I smile into his shirt.

"Have you told Mum yet? He asks referring to my Mom.

"No" I shake my head. "I wanted to tell you first." I say pulling back just enough to see his face. He was smiling so beautifully.

"Then let's keep it between us for a little bit." He says. "I want you to myself before your Mom gets carried away with the thought of a granchild." Tetsuya says knowing Mom is going to be estatic.

"True." I say resting my hand on his chest as I reach up to give him a peck on the lips. "Anyway we should eat supper before it gets cold." I say as I sadly break our embrace.

"Okay, but is okay" Testuya says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes Testuya. Go ahead." I say when I realize his intent. He brings his hand down to rest gently over my belly. He looked so happy, the happiest I've ever seen him. But I guess I probably look the same way.

"Boy or girl." Testuya suddenly asks.

I thought for a moment. "It don't care as long as the baby's healthy." Testuya nodded in agreement.

"Or we could end up with both." He teased and I roll my eyes.

"Twins, really?"

"What? It could happen!" He defended.

"Yeah but your not the who's going to be carrying them for nine months." I say putting a hand on my hip.

"True, forget I said anything." He put his hands out in surrender.

"Okay! Now let's eat I'm starving!" I say walking over to the table and sitting down. Tetsuya follows suit and takes a seat also.

"Itadakimasu!" We both exclaim before digging in.

"So what should his or her name be?" Tetsuya asks after a while.

"I don't know. I never thought I'd get married growing up so I never thought of names for my kids." I shrug.

"We can wait. We still have a few months." Testuya states.

"Hai!" I smile at my understanding husband.

A / N : Don't worry I'll be putting up one more chapter for you all! But not until next week sorry >.<

Thank you for reading and voting!

Until next time

Ja ~ ne minna-san!

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