Chapter 4

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~Day 2 of dating Kuroko~

After yesterday's incident I came to the conclusion that I need to wake up in the morning myself. I had set my alarm for 5 the night before, but apparently I didn't hear it go off.

"Suzuki-san you need to wake up." Someone softly said in my ear.

"Five more minutes...." I grumble.

The previous person starts to poke me repeatedly on my face. I slap the hand away and whip my head around and glare at the 'poker' faced boy.

[A/N: Get it because he was the one poking her face so it made him the poker.....Sorry that was really lame.]

"W-Wait...K-K-Kuroko-kun?" My widened brown eyes stare into his exquisitely blue ones.

"Ohayo Suzuki-san." He offers me a small smile.

"O-ohayo Kuroko-kun." I mumble, hiding my face in my comforter.

"Breakfast is ready so your Mom told me to come wake you." Kuroko said.

"O-Okay......Wait when did you get here?" I somehow say without stuttering for once.

"About a half hour ago." He bluntly states.

I glance at my clock on my desk.


I jump up into a sitting position. "Eh?! Why did you get here so early?"

He smiles at me and answers. "Well after what happened yesterday I wanted to make sure you got out of bed in time." He's talking about how we got to school a little late yesterday.

"O-oh sorry about that." I lower my face in embarrassment.

"Don't be. It just means I get to come over every morning to wake you up." He smiles mischievously. I blush at his statement.

"U-Uresai!" I raise my voice trying to making him stop teasing me and cross my arms. He just laughs at me and I can't help but join in.

"Anyway hurry up and get dressed. Breakfast is getting cold." He bluntly states and ruffles my hair before walking out the room.

"Hai hai. ." I get out of bed and get dressed just as Kuroko told me to. I don't even try fixing my hair, since it's a waste of time, before walking through the hallway towards the kitchen.

"Ah finally you're up." Mom states over her shoulder. She was setting the table so I decide to be the-once in a blue moon perfect daughter-and help her.

"Yeah someone was determined for me to get out of bed and get out of bed now." I grumble. Mom laughs at that.

"I knew it was a good idea to send Kuroko-kun." She smiles. I go and grab myself a big cup of coffee as I ignore her comment.

"Wait where's Dad?" I ask as I notice he wasn't here.

"Oh he had to go to work early today." Mom explains.

"Oh okay." I say as we all sit at the table, Kuroko included.

"But Aya-chan why didn't you tell me you got such a nice boyfriend for yourself?" Mom bluntly asks, making me almost choke on my coffee.

"M-Mom!"I couldn't believe she said something like that when the boy in question was sitting beside me.

"Well it's true. Kuroko-kun is a really nice boy. How did you ever get him to agree to date you?" Ouch that hurt, but I'm used to it.

"Actually Suzuki-san, I was the one who asked your daughter to go out with me because I truly have feelings for her." Kuroko grabs my hand and smiles at me gently. I felt touched at the bluntness of his statement and start to blush by the way he was looking at me.

After that we all continue eating breakfast in silence.


I finish my food in record time and bring my dishes over to the sink. I glance at the stove's clock and notice the time.

"Kuroko-kun I think we should head to school now." I nonchalantly say.

"Ah maate (wait)." He says standing up from his chair and strolling over to me. He stops in front of me then takes his hand and starts playing with my hair.

My heart starts going doki doki. I have to refrain from looking at Kuroko's face or I would really have a heart attack. I can feel my face start burning up however and my thoughts go blank. I couldn't think of anything but the boy who was standing in front of me fixing my hair.

"There." He says pulling his hand away. As soon as he did though I start to miss the warmth that it gave off.

"T-Thank you." I stutter.

"No problem." He smiles. "We can go now."

"Un" I somewhat reply. "S-see you after school Mom." I say looking at her. She was staring at us completely shocked at what she just witnessed. Her - scared of boys - daughter just allowed a boy to touch her. It completely took the mother by surprise.

"Okay have a save trip" she replies subconsciously.

"We will!" Kuroko reassures her then we were out the door and on our way to school.

A / N : so I was noticing that I haven't had them be at school yet as a couple so the next chapter will be. Look forward to it!

Ja~ne minna-san!

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