Chapter 7

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Kuroko's POV

~Day 15 of dating Suzuki-chan~

I quietly knock on the door of Suzuki-chan's house late Saturday morning. I was so nervous I could feel the sweat drops rolling off my face. [A/N: just picture how he looked in the Teiko arc when the coach looked at him in his first game.]

Today we're going on our first date. I remember the face she made when I asked her.


"Ano...Suzuki-chan?" I ask the petite girl beside me. We were walking home from school sipping our vanilla milkshakes that we just bought at Maji Burgers.

"Hmm?" She hummed as she took a sip of her drink.

I stop, making her stop also and look back at me confused.

"I was wondering this Saturday?" I stutter, looking everywhere but the girl in front of me.

"E-Eh?" she squeaks out.

"I-If you're not that's fine! I was just wondering if you'd want to go on a date sometime!" I ramble waving my hands in front of me and start to break out in a sweat.

"N-No, I'm free. It's just I wasn't e-expecting you to ask me is all. I mean it'll be our first date so.." She rambles just as bad as me.

I look up at her face, causing my heart to go doki doki. She looked so cute with her crimson face and her eyes seeming to be going in circle as if she was dizzy or something.

"T-Then see you on Saturday?" I ask not knowing what else to say.

"Hai!" She finally smiles causing my heart to skip a beat.


I snap out of the memory and knock a little louder on the door when no one answers.

"Hai~!" A woman's voice sings on the other end of the door before opening it. "Oh Kuroko-kun!" Suzuki-chan's Mom smiles at me. Shortly after though a sweat drop rolls down her face. "E-Etto, Aya-chan is still in bed. Hahaha, sorry."she grimaces.

I snap out of my nervous state and put on my usual poker face.

"Ii (it's fine) I was guessing she would be." I smile kindly to Suzuki-san.

"Aw Kuroko-kun you're such a nice guy! Come in, come in!" She exclaimed gesturing me to enter.

"Excuse me for the intrusion." I mutter walking in and taking my shoes off.

"I'll be in the kitchen and you already know where her room is so have fun waking her up!" Suzuki-san excuses herself, leaving me alone in the entryway.

I make my way over to Suzuki-chan's room and quietly knock on the room. You know, just in case. Hearing no answer I poke my head in. I walk over to the peacefully sleeping Suzuki-chan and smile down at her. She was so adorable.

I crouch down beside her bed and gently poke her cheek just like every morning.

"Suzuki-chan time to wake up." I coo. Suzuki-chan shot up in bed like a rocket at the sound of my voice.

"Oh Kuroko-kun! What are you doing here?" she looks at me puzzled. Then the wheels in her head seem to start turning. "WAH! TODAY'S OUR DATE!!" she exclaims almost causing me to go deaf.

I laugh at her overreaction. "I'll get out of you way so you can get dressed okay?" I say still chuckling.

"Ah, hai!" she snaps out of her fretting.


"I'm ready!" Suzuki-chan exclaims walking out into the living room where I sat.

I stand up and turn around to look at her. I freeze. She looked so cute in her frilly white shirt and pink plaid mini skirt.

I look away to hide the blush that was quickly forming.

"Is something the matter Kuroko-kun?" Suzuki-chan questions me.

"Iie ( no ) it's just you look so cute.." I mumble, but I know she heard me because her face also turns a bright red to match mine.

"O-Oh t-thanks." she stutters making her all the more cute.

"A-Anyways we should be going if we want to get to the movies on time." I quickly change the subject to end our embarrassment.

"O-oh." We both make our way to the door and as Suzuki-chan opens it she yells. "Mom I'll be back later!"

"Okay! Have fun!" Her mom yells back.

At that, we both exit the house and make our way to the movie theaters. As we're walking I gently grab Suzuki-chan's hand. She looks at me a little shocked but then smiles brightly at me. It caused my heart to do a flippidy flop, but I somehow return her smile. The rest of the walk was spent in comfortable silence.
A / N : The next chapter will be about their date. ^^

Anyways what do you think of the story so far? I hope I'm not making Kuroko too OOC. I was also wondering if I should have the next chapter in Kuroko's POV again or not. Comment your opinion!

Thanks everyone who's reading and supporting this story!

Until next time

Ja ~ ne minna-san!

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