Chapter 6

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~Day 11 of dating Kuroko~



"As promised, here's your bento Kuroko-kun." Suzuki says handing him the container. They were sitting under a tree in the shade in front of the school.

Kuroko stares at the container for a second, debating whether or not it was safe. He gives in of course because Suzuki was looking at him anxiously waiting for his opinion of her cooking. He carefully opens it and looks at the delicious food inside. He gulps loudly then takes his chopsticks and grabs an egg omelette.

"Delicious." He mutters surprised after eating the egg omelette. "It's really good Suzuki-chan." He enthusiastically says to the girl.

"Really?! Thanks!" She claps her hands in joy. "See I told you I could cook!" She states with a smile.

"Hai." Kuroko replies stuffing more food in his mouth.

"Oi Kuroko can I try some?" Kagami says from where he was seated. He was looking at the food with longing.

Kuroko looked at Kagami, then to the food, then Kagami, then back to the food. "I guess you can have one bite." He mumbles.

"Yosh!" Kagami exclaims taking a piece of egg omelette from the bento with his fingers and stuffing it in his mouth. "AH this is amazing!" He exclaims.

"Thank you!" Suzuki says happily.

Aya's POV

Kagami grabs both of my hands. "Suzuki, please become our manager." He looks at me pleadingly.

"Ah....I don't know." I say embarrassed by the sudden attention.

"Please?" He looks at me like a lost kitten.

"W-Why?" I wasn't sure why he would want me as the club manager. Seriously, I don't even know how to play basketball.

"B-Because maybe then we'd actually get good food on our training camps and such." Kagami rambles.

"Ah I see." I smirk. "Always thinking of your stomach huh Kagami?" I tease and he blushes in response.

"Iie (no) Suzuki-chan. I think it's because he's too lazy to cook for himself." Kuroko bluntly explains.

"Ohoow." I smirk again finding it fun to tease Kagami because of his girlish responses.

"T-Tame (why you)." Kagami grumbles getting up to ruffling Kuroko's hair. I start to get a little jealous that he was able to feel Kuroko's hair.

'Man I really want to know what it felt like. Was his hair soft or silky or what. Grrr I want to know now!'

"Kagami please stop. Your making Suzuki-chan jealous." Kuroko says dryly to Kagami. Kagami looks at me and seems to believe Kuroko, because he smirks.

"W-What are you talking about?" I was beyond flustered because Kuroko so easily read my mind.

Kuroko smiles at me knowingly. "Suzuki-chan, I make it my hobby to observe people so of course I'd know when my own girlfriend is jealous." I blush in response. I guess I never knew he watched me so closely.

"F-Fine I guess I am a little jealous." I say pouting.

"Why?" Kuroko asks though I'm pretty sure he knew why. He leans in closer to me and tilts his head like a puppy would.

'Grrr he knows I can't refuse to answer when he looks at me like that'

I look down to my lap. "B-Because K-Kagami was touching your hair...and...and... I really wanted to know what it felt like. I was wondering if your hair was soft or silky or something." I blurt out making myself blush even more. It's so embarrassing to say those things out loud.

I look up at Kuroko when he didn't say anything. My eyes widen. His face was just as red as mine. "W-What are you all em-embarrassed about?" I stutter.

Kuroko doesn't say anything and instead grabs my hand and lifts it up to his teal locks. I was surprised at first but then started petting his head like he was a puppy.

'I was right. His hair is soft.' I smile.

"It's soft." I mumble. At this point Kuroko and my faces were completely red and he wasn't even looking at me. I guess he was too embarrassed himself.

Kagami clears his throat causing me to take my hand away from Kuroko's amazingly soft hair and us both to snap out gazes at the red giant. "You know I'm still here." He says with a blush on his face also.

"Ah sorry." Kuroko and I both say in unison looking down at the ground.

At that moment the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. And so the embarrassing lunch time ended with Kuroko and I both with crimson faces as we walked hand-in-hand to our afternoon classes.
A / N : Hope you liked the newest chapter. I wanted to make them act really cute together so I hope I accomplished that.

Anyway I'm not going to be able to update very much anymore because I got a job. Sorry in advance! >_

Well until next time

Ja ~ ne minna-san!

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