Chapter 8

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[A/N: Since no one's said anything about whose POV it should be I decided to have it in Kuroko's because it would be easier for me.]
( ̄▽ ̄)

Kuroko's POV

I let Suzuki-chan choose the movie to watch since I didn't know exactly what type of movies she's into. She picked an action packed movie called Jerasic World. Which surprised me a little.

After the movie we roamed the streets not entirely sure what to do, but didn't want to separate yet.

I notice an ice cream/crepe shop up ahead and turned to Suzuki-chan.

"Ne, Suzuki-chan? Want to share an ice cream?" I thought it'd be romantic since I've seen it in many movies my sister forced me to watch.

"Eh?" She stares at me shocked and a bright blush quickly found its way on her cheeks. "I-I wouldn't m-mind I-I guess." She fidgets making her look sooo cute. I smile over at her since she's not that much shorter then me.

"Okay, wait here then!" I say before walking over to the crowded ice cream shop. Thanks to my misdirection, I'm able to get in and get out quickly. I spot Suzuki-chan right off and stroll over to where she is.

"I got it Suzuki-chan." I softly say coming up behind her.

"Eh?! Oh Kuroko-kun! Warn me next time before you appear!" She exclaims putting a hand over her heart.

"Sorry about that Suzuki-chan." I try to look sad, causing her to fret and I chuckle at her. "Suzuki-chan your so cute!" I confess causing her face to be dyed red. "Anyway, here's the ice cream." I say extending my hand out to offer her the cone.

"Ah t-thanks." She says looking to the side as she reaches out her hand to accept it.

The flavor was vanilla of course as we both loved the flavor.

After Suzuki-chan has a few licks of the cool substance I decide it was time for me to have some too.

"Ne Suzuki-chan can I have some now?" I look at her with my most puppy-like face that I know she can't refuse.

"Ah h-hai!" She blushes harder making me blush also as I lean in to have a few licks of the ice cream myself. I hold the cone in place by bringing my hand up to hold it too, covering Suzuki-chan's hand. As I take a few licks a thought occurs to me. This was an indirect kiss with Suzuki-chan!

I look up at her and see that she must have come to the same conclusion because she was avoiding my gaze like the plague.

"A-Anyways , where do we want to go next?" I ask to stop myself from imagining Suzuki-chan's lips on mine.

"I-I d-don't know. Maybe the public library or somthing?" She says knowing we both loved to read.

"S-Sounds good to me." I stutter.

We quickly finish the ice cream and throw away the trash before making our way to the library.

In the middle of walking though, Suzuki-chan seems to lose me and gets caught up in the crowd. She panics a little as she looks around trying to find me. I sigh.

'She gets so worked up over little things.'

I come up behind her and tap her shoulder, which makes her squeal in surprise. "K-Kuroko-kun! Stop sneaking up on me, mou~!" She pouts, which I find extremely cute.

"Why? Seeing your reaction is always so cute." I tease ruffling her hair.

"Mou~!" She continues to pout with flushed cheeks.

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