Chapter 5

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~Day 10 of dating Kuroko~

Kuroko coming over in the morning and having breakfast with us has quickly become a routine. Mom was thankful because now I was actually getting out of bed in the mornings. (Now I don't have to sit in detention for being tardy one too many times ( ̄▽ ̄).

I am now sitting in boring History class. I try my hardest to listen to the teacher talk about who knows what about a guy who died years ago. Don't get me wrong, I respect the men and women who gave their live for the better good, but I just don't have the interest in learning it.

I start doodling on my notes, trying to keep myself awake. Not paying attention to what I'm drawing or how long I've been drawing, and class is over before I know it.

I look down to my picture that I drew. Somehow without my knowledge I had drawn an anime version of Kuroko.....shirtless.

I quickly cover it up with my books and head to my next class, which was P.E. my favorite class...not.



"Ne, Kuroko-kun? Would you mind if I start making you a bento?" I ask the teal-haired boy beside me. Both Kuroko and Kagami look at me surprised.

"You mean you can cook?" Kuroko asks dumbfounded.

"Of course! I am a girl after all." I say like it's a given.

"That doesn't mean anything." Both Kuroko and Kagami say. They have these expressions of death on their faces.

"What?" I ask confused.

"L-lets just say we've had really bad experiences with girls cooking for us." Kuroko explains.

"Oh." I say with a 'o' face. "Don't worry I can definitely cook." I smile at them and they return it.

This has become a habit also. Having lunch with Kuroko and Kagami. I was a little nervous around Kagami at first, but then I realized he's just a big softy at heart. He's really nice to me and helps me with any anxiety I have with my relationship with Kuroko. It's nice.

"I'll look forward to it then Suzuki-san." Kuroko says warmly to me.

"Hai!" I smile.

The bell rang then, signaling that lunch was ending. We quickly pack up and head to our assigned classes.


~After School


"GWAH!" I shriek at the voice from behind me. "K-Kuroko-kun don't suddenly appear like that!" I pout.

"But I was here the whole time Suzuki-san." He says disheartedly.

"Oh gomenei, I didn't notice." I scratch behind my head. Kuroko's face turns depressed at my statement. "Ah Kuroko! I didn't mean it like that!" I panic. Kuroko looks at me and smiles.

"I know I was just teasing you." He says giving me a peck on the cheek. "I love you." He whispers huskily in my ear. My eyes widen and I blush really hard, because that's the first time he's ever done anything like that. I bring my hand up to touch the place he kissed, which still had the sensation of his lips on it. "Now let's head to the gym shall we?" Kuroko asks like nothing happened.

"Ah." I subconsciously say as he takes my hand and leads the way.

A/N: There's the next chapter for you all! I hope Kuroko didn't seem too OOC...

Anyways I hope you liked it!

Until next time

Ja~ne minna-san!!

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