Chapter 10

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Warning I didn't have time to edit so there may be some problems and parts that don't make sense. I'll try to edit it when I can. Enjoy!


Reader's POV

"It's time for school! Mommy! Daddy! Wake up!" Ayako yells as she jumps up and down in our bed, trying to wake Tetsuya and I up. It was the first day of school for Ayako, our daughter. No words could describe the joy or worry I felt about my daughter going to school. She was a smart little thing. Took after her dad with her teal hair and baby blue eyes.

"Hai hai. I'm up." I say with sleep still present in my voice. Even at age twenty-seven I still wasn't a morning person.

"Come on then!" She says clearly impatient to go to school. Tetsuya chuckles at our daughter, who was pulling on my arm to drag me out of bed.

"I think someone's impatient Aya." Tetsuya whispers in my ear before sitting up to stretch.

"Hai hai." I say following suit of my husband. After my long stretch I finally give in to Ayako's pulling and have her drag me out of bed and down to the kitchen downstairs. "I'll make us some breakfast then your bento, okay?" I look down at my little teal-haired girl.

"But Mommy I want to go to school now!" She whined.

"I know you do sweetie, but school's not going to start for another two hours." I say as I realize it's only 5 in the morning. Ayako looks a little disheartened, but nods her head when her stomach grumbled in hunger. I ruffle her hair before straightening up and going to the fridge to grab some eggs and bacon.


"Have a save trip!" I wave at my husband and daughter as they pull out of the drive-way with the car. Sadly I couldn't go with them because I had a doctors appointment that I couldn't miss. Lately I haven't been feeling well so I thought it was better to be save than sorry.

Anyways on a happy note, Tetsuya will be with her all day thankfully since he works at the school as a teacher.

Kuroko's POV

'OMW!OMW!OMW!OMW!OMW!OMW! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? My daughter starts school today!' These were my only thoughts as I drove Ayako and I to school. It was too soon for my little girl to start school. She was smaller than most kids her age. And I can probably blame it on my genetics. Stupid genetics. Why was my whole family short?

That was off topic.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I pulled into the school's parking lot. I glance at Ayako, and couldn't help but smile at her excitement. Her eyes glowed as she stared at the building in front of us.

"Daddy! Daddy! Is that my school?" She says so excitedly that I almost didn't understand her.

"Yes Ayako, this is your school, but it's also mine too." I smile at the girl version of me.

"Really?" She says getting even more excited. "So Daddy still needs to go to school?" I chuckle at her confusion.

"No pumpkin, I'm a teacher here. Remember?" I explain caringly.

"Oh yeah! I knew that, I just didn't know it was at my school." She says grinning widely at me and I return it with my own.

"We should head inside now. You don't want to be late on your first day?" I say unbuckling myself and glancing at Ayako to see that she was doing the same. Just she was more hurried since she couldn't wait to start school.

Ayako grabs her bento and quickly exits the car like the devil was on her tail. I follow her more slowly.

She was darting back and forth, looking at everything that peeked her interest. She reminds me of Aya when she does that. They share the same drive of curiosity.

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