Chapter 21 - Why? How could you?

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I'm not quite sure if i want to really finish this story but please just let me no if you want me to continue, I don't care if their not nice comments I would really apprecate feed back.


(Cassie's POV)


"Yes Cassie?" He sighed,

"I was wandering if maybe I find the girl and bring her back here, or get her done for murdering her own son." I stated,

"That's a brilliant idea my lovely little cherry blossom."

"Yay!" I squealed, after that we got planning.

(Jazz's POV)

I can't believe I almost broke down again, how could I be so stupid? Why do I have to be so naive? Did they really think I was that stupid?

I walked towards my walk in wardrobe and grabbed my suitcase and started packing my clothes.

"Jazz are you in here?" Niall shouted whilst walking into my room,

"Yeah I am." I said coming out of the wardrobe with a fake smile plastered on my face, he thinks he can fall me, well think again because this is how you trick the trickster,

"Hey babe, why were you in there?" He asked,

"Oh no reason just thought I would go through my clothes." I lied,

"Oh remember our date make sure you wear something pretty." He winked,

"Of course but only for you." I winked back, don't lose focus just then he turned to leave but stopped, "Jazz you have been acting strange, please tell me what's wrong." He pleaded,

"Just please go I just want to be alone." I told him honesty running through every word and he did.

I walked back to my suitcase and finished packing, by then it was time to get ready for my date with Niall, so I got in the shower an when I got out I put on a baby pink sundress with flip flops, I straightened my frizzy hair and walked down to meet my 'boyfriend', I seen him waiting at the bottom of the stairs looking right at me with his jaw on the floor and I giggled.

"You look beautiful." He told me I gave him a shy smile,

"Thanks Niall, you look quite dashing yourself." I told him he just blushed.


I looked up at Niall from where I was sat, I seen his arm was outstreched towrads me,

"Do you trust me?" He asked me, I just scoffed under my breath,

"I don't know anymore Niall." I said looking into his eyes,

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said, I don't know if I trust you or any of the boys any more." I said standing up getting ready to leave,

"Why would you say somehing like that?" He asked me standing in my way,

"Because I don't lie to the ones I 'LOVE'" I said putting air quotes around the word love,


"N-nothing, can we go home I'm getting tired." I said changing the subject,

"Fine but you will be telling me in te morning." Niall said storming off towards home. Well I hate to burst your bubble Niall but I wont be here in the morning.

We didn't go far for our date but the walk back was further because of the silence and the thought of ruining our date made me want to cry, the whole time walking back I was trying to keep the unshed tears unshed, but the task was getting more and more difficult. I suddenly stoped just around the corner from the house, I was looking at the ground not daring to look up to see if Niall stoped as well.

"Jazz I know you don't trust me and it kills me to know that, but if you don't keep walking you'r going to get poorly, again you may not trust me but I still care about you." He said in an exsaperated tone, after that we carried on walking when we got in it must have been gone 10 O'Clock because everyone was in bed asleep, Niall didn't walk me to my door like he usualy does he just goes straight to his bed, so I walked in and sat on bed debating if I want to go anymore.

Are you still thinking why I'm going to escape, no? Well lets just say its been one long year scince I met the boys and just a few months ago I found something out, you could say it broke my heart.


I'm in the mood the go and get the boys so we can all go to the London Eye, it's something I have never been on but something I want to go on and they said they would take me there soon, so I skipped down stairs to find them when I herd my name, It didn't sound like they were calling me it was more like they were talking about me,

"I never loved her and she knows that." I heard Niall (my boyfriend for 7 months now) say, "But then she got in the way. That made me not hate her, oh no I have never hated her, instead I loath her."

"But why does she think that you love her Niall." Lou asked,

"I don't know......' I couldn't stay and listen to any more so I tiptoed my way back upstairs and cried myself to sleep, which I should tell you now, that its the first time in ages that I have done that.


How could they, I thought they all cared but no they really don't, I looked at the time and it, said 01:34, I guess its now or never, I left them and I didn't look back.

(Niall's POV)

I wander if shes okay? I hope so I mean she tried to smile back there but she failed, then the argument we had on our date. What did she mean she doesn't trust me or any of the other boys anymore?

I heard some shuffling outside my bed room door so I looked at the clock, it read 00:49 so I went to check who it was and I just about caught sigh of the head of curls that vanished down stairs, I just walked after him and he went to get a drink of water from the fridge, whilst I just leaned on the door frame,

"Hey Harry." I said,

"God mate you scared me half to death." He spun round clutching his chest,

"Sorry, couldn't sleep?" I'm asked,

"Yeah, what about you?"

"Same." I sighed,

"What's wrong Ni?"

"It's Jazz, she has me worried that's all, but don't worry about it mate." I yawned then we Heard the front door,

"Was that the door?" Harry asked me, I nodded.

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