Chapter 13 - Shopping with 3/5 of One Direction x

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(Jazz's POV)

We have just arrived in Exeter, and we are going to Marks and Spencers, Primark, Blue Banna, and then going to get something to eat,

"Lou, why do you have to spend you're money on me?" I asked for the hunderth time and he sighed,

"Because I have more money, than I know what to do with, and you are my sister." He explained, I just nodded, and carried on walking, whilst they followed close behind, when we got to M 'n' S, I went straight to the jeggins, and picked up nine, three of different size's, and three different colour's, and tried them on.

When I got out I put all back but one pair they were, size10, and a salmon colour, also I got a brown belt, a jumper like top with a horse on it, and a few summer dresses, and skirt's, shorts, T- shirt's, and a feew pair's of shoe's, it all came too round about two three big bag's, then we left and went to Primark. In Primark we got alot more clothes, and it made it look like I was moving in for life.

"Oh Jazz by then way, we are cancling our tour this year to help you." Lou told me, I stood their frozzen, I'm messing with their tour, no no no no, this can't be happaning,

"No, you are not if I really have too then I will come with, but you will not cancle." I stated, he looked at me saying 'Fine how about we talk about it when we get home' so I just nodded, by the time we finished, it was round about 06:00PM so we decided to go get, Nando's considering it was just around the corner, but walking around the corner was not as easy as we thought.

"Guy's we have company." I stated, "You might want to follow me, and quickly."

"Come on you got to be kidding me, we got to follow a girl." Zayn complained, oh my god he is so horrible to me, what have I done wrong, I pushed that to the back of my mind,

"We it's either follow me or, get a sampead of girl's crushing you, and considering I'm the only one here who know's where I'm going, wait one cheese ball minute, I got an idea, you guy's hide in the bus station toliet's and I will stand outside and do my thang." I explined, and we were off when we got there they went straight into the tolet's with out hestaiting.

(Louis's POV)

We was only walking around a corner, when all of a sudden we herd screaming and a stampead,

"Guy's we have company." Jazz stated, "You might want to follow me, and quickly."

"Come on you got to be kidding me, we got to follow a girl." Zayn complained,

"We it's either follow me or, get a sampead of girl's crushing you, and considering I'm the only one here who know's where I'm going, wait one cheese ball minute, I got an idea, you guy's hide in the bus station toliet's and I will stand outside and do my thang." she explained we all just nodded, and started to run toward's the bus station, when we got their we dived right in side, without another thought.

"OMG, ONE DIRECTION JUST BRUSHED MY ARM AS THEY RAN PAST ME!" Jas squelled, like a crazy fan. Wow my sis can act, that's somethng I never new that.

"Wow." I whispered, I think the guy's herd me but not sure,

"Is she acting?" Liam asked astonished,

"If that's acting then she's amazing." Zayn whisper yelled,

"I know right, it's a Tomlinson thing." I joked, "But yeah she is great."

"Guy's it's clear." she whispered, in through the door, like she was scared that if she spoke, any lounder then they would come back.

(Jasmine's POV)


"Which way did they go? Please we need to find them." some one asked me,

"THEY TOUCHED ME AHHH." I squealed again, then pointed towards the cinema,

"Guy's it's clear." I wishpered through the door, five minutes after they were all in the Vew, I had to be quiet though because they might come back when the guy's came out,

"Jazz that was amazing, where did you learn to act like that?" Zayn asked, I shrugged,

"I honestly don't have a clue it just came natrully." I explained to them, that's when their mouth's dropped to the floor, and I giggled at their expersion's.

We started to head back to Nando's, when we got there we were shown to a table, and got to look through menu's, a few girl's  started to giggle, then they came over,

"Excuse me can me and my friend's have an autograph please? You don't have to." one of them said, she had blond hair and terquise eye's, her voice was like bell's, the other two both were brunets, one had green eye's and they other had stormy eye's,

"Of course you can." Zayn said standing up to to sign their book's, Liam, and Louis done the same,

"What's you're name's then?" Liam asked the girls,

"Mine's Jemma." the one with stormy eye's replied,

"Maddie." Green eye's cheered,

"And mine is, Kat." she was the blond,

"Okay." Liam said, signing the book's, this time Zayn and Lou copied his action's, just then Kat walked over too me so I smiled, whilst she scowled,

"I don't know, nor do I care why you are around them, but they only feel sorry for you, and you are a burnden to them. You're an ugly cow and you're only after the publicety." she whispered, harshly to me, I just sunk down into my seat, then stood up, the boy's noticed me trying to go,

"Where are you going Jazz?" Lou asked me, I ran and didn't look back untill I was outside my cousin's flat, but I knew she wasn't in because she told eveyone that she was going on holiday, to Spain, then as I sat on the floor and cried, then I felt two arm's wrap around me, and I felt safe again.

(Zayn's POV)

"What did you say to her?" I asked the girl who was talking to Jazz,

"All I said was 'how lucky I think she is, by being able to hang out with you lot, and live with you'." she said in a matter of fact tone, but for some reason I didn't believe her, so I ran after Jazz she stopped, for a minute, then took off again. I followed her, she got to McDonalds and turned left then ran down a hill, she came to a block of flat's, then she sat on the floor, and silently cried. I walked up to her and wrapped my arm's around her.

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