Capter 12 - What now? OMG! x

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(Niall's POV)

"Why didn't you tell me or anyone that you loved me?" I asked confusion covering my tone,

"I don't want to talk about it." she wispered, "What time is it?"

"Erm 10:30AM, you wanna go to the beach?" Lou answered/asked her, she just noddded, the other's walked into their room's to get ready, she started to move toward'sthe stairs,


"Hmm? Yeah Niall"

"I don't usally pry but why didn't you say anything, were you embaresssed, scared, ordid you just think I would laugh in you're face?" she sighed and turned around,

"Do you want me to list them for you?" She asked, I nodded one stern nod,

"1. I only just meet you, 2. You're famuse, and bound to laugh at me, 3. You got much prettier girls than me throwing them sleves at you, so why would you even think about dating me, 4. I have trouble trust people, the only reason I trust Lou so easaly is beacuse once I found out he's my brother, I instently new he wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt me, and 5, It's stupid I have been hurt so many time's before by boy's they only hurt me." she explained.

She turned away and went up stairs, I followed and she slamed her door,

"I'm in love with you to." I shouted through her door and ran into my room.

(Jasmine's POV)

When I slammed the door, I flung myself on the bed and cry'ed, why can't he just leave me alone,

"I'm in love with you to." he shouted through the door, and ran to his room. I sat up and curled into a ball, crying into my knee's, 5 minute's later I stopped crying, and made my way to the door I opened it quietly, wow Day ja vu, the only different thing now is that I made my way to Niall's room, and I don't even know why.

knock knock knock knock

No answer, so I tried again and again and again,

"Niall? Niall you're scaring me, please answer me." I begged, then I herd a few sniffs, and shuffling, the door swung open,

"Jazz I'm so sorry I didn't mean to upset you, can you please forgive me?" he asked,

"Niall you havent done anything wrong, I should be the one saying sorry, I'm sorry, and do you really love me?" I asked,

"Yeah I wouldn't have tried to kiss you them time's and I wouldn't of carried you away from that vile man." he explained,

"Oh and Niall, I can't go to the beach, I aint got a costume. I haven't even got money to by one the, not only that I haven't got any other clothe's" I said, like we just noticed something that we should of noticed a long time ago,

"Erm we can buy you some clothe's." he stated,

"No I couldn't let you do tha---" I started to say but got cut off,

"YES YOU CAN!!" Lou yelled up the stairs, and I laughed,

"Okay I will only let you, if you help me pick the clothe's and if Lou pay's for them, considering he's my brother." I stated, and he nodded, his head in agreement, "Good."

(Niall's POV)

I can't believe we both like each other, what are the odd's, I'm sat here singing boyfriend by Justin Bieber, and playing my guitar,

*******knock knock knock*******

"Who is it?" I shouted,

"Lou, Hazz, and Liam, can we come in?" the boy's shouted back, I sighed and put my guitar down, and walked towards the door,

"In ya come then." I sighed, as I opened the door,

"You okay mate?" Liam asked, I nodded, and gave them a real smile,

"Yeah I'm fine thanks are we all ready to go out?" I asked,

"Yep, I'm ready, so is Hazz, and Li, and DJ Malik, not to sure about Niall's princess though." Lou Joked, wow he is taking this thing really well,

"Guy's I'm ready." she shouted into the room,

"Okay we will be right out." I shouted back, "let's go guy's, hope you are ready to spend a lot of money for you're sister Lou." I stated.

(Jasmine's POV)

What's taking them so long, I mean I caled them half an hour ago, and they said they were just coming, they should be down by now, and I want to go shopping, just then I herd a door up stairs open and close, and three boy's came runing down the sairs,

"Were's Harry and Niall? Are they okay? Please tell me they are not hurt." I startted to panick,

"No no no, don't worry they're fine they just don't want to go out at the moment, so me Liam, and Zayn, will take you instead." Lou explained, I just nodded and then we made our way to the car.

-----IN THE CAR-------

"Guy's are we their yet" I asked, pretending to sulk, they just laughed at me, and I pouted at them, to try and make them feel sorry for me,

"Aww guy's, don't make her sad." Lou said, after looking in the rear view mirror, I just sighed, "You okay, we didn't mean, for you to be so unhappy, we was only messing about." Lou explained,

"It's okay, I mean I'm still excited to go shopping, and then going to the beach, also, I would like to get their and back again, I want to be with Niall." I explained, Lou looked uncomfortable, but still nodded, the rest off the car ride was quiet.

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