Chapter 8 - I think I love you.

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(Louis POV)

Me and Jazz made our way down stairs, to the others but something was wrong, Zayn and Niall were missing,

"Erm, guy's do you know where Niall and Zayn are?" I asked no one inperticular, but they just looked at me with a confused expresion, "Oh c'mon you can't tell me you didn't even know they left." I exclaimed.

They looked at me then at Jazz, all of a sudden Harry's expresion turned cold, 

"Why the hell would you do that?" he yelled, but it wasn't at me, it was at Jazz,

"Hazza, what's wrong? Why are you shouting at her?" I asked impatiently, 

"What I-I-I don't kn-kn-kn-know what you m-m-m-mean?" She stuttrered, she only does that when she is either nervous or frightened,



"Wait what she never broke Niall's heart, he broke her's." I cut him off getting the story straight, but it never worked out like that, just then she broke down crying again, I have never seen anyone cry this much in one day,

"Then why did the poor lad burst into tear's as soon as you left the room? Then why would he say that she would never love him? huh? answer them question's" I took a step back, 'cause I couldn't believe what I was hearing,

"I-I don't know." I simply stated,

"That's what I thought, guy's I'm going to look for Nialler." He said in a tone that made you think that he knew everything,

"I'm so so so so sorry, guy's I never ment for this to happen. Oh and Harry can I come with you, to look for Niall I mean?" she asked in a whisper, Harry didn't say a word just nodded once, and left the room, with her following close behind.

(Jasmine's POV)

"I'm so so so so sorry, guy's I never ment for this to happen. Oh and Harry can I come with you, to look for Niall I mean?" I whispered, considering I knew that my voice would betray me. Harry never said a word he just nodded, and walked off, I ran after him, he had no idea, that me and Niall went for a walk and came across a place that he instently fell in love with, so I ran on with Harry hot on my heel's.

I heard sobbing, and turned to Harry, "Harry quiet down, 'cause if you listen then you can hear him, and can you just wait here please? I need to talk to him" I tried to pleade with him, and too my surprise it worked,

"Just make sure I can hear if you shout, you're now family." He hesently said, after our conversation I ran towrads the sobbing, and found Niall, when I seen him I didn't know what to do , he was curled  up in a ball crying and shaking valointly, every now and then he kept saying "she would never love they way I want her too".

I ran back to harry, and he looked shocked, and horrified, to see me,

"Why are you crying love?" he asked, and I instently relaxed,

"I love him alot more than a friend, and he wants me to love him as a friend or brother." I whispered, so Niall wouldn't hear me,

"Aww hun, you must of miss heard him." he tried to convince me,

"Can you talk to him for me?"  asked,

"Of coars, I will" he replyed.

(Harry's POV)

What are these feelings, Anger, Jelousy, am I heat broken? But why would I be? I cant think straight when I'm around her and as soon as I shouted her when I was back at her house, I regretted it.

"H-H-Harry, W-What are you d-doing here?" Niall asked breaking me out of my thoughts, now I can see why she couldn't talk to him,

"I came looking for you, and I want to no why you ran off, and where is Zayn?" I explained and asked,

"Wait Zayn is looking for me? We got to find him." he said suddenly worried, and ran off in the direction that I came in, "Jazz what are you doing here?" Niall asked with pure conffussion ringing in his voice ,

"I-I just came to show harry where you could b-be, I guess he" she was cut off, so I slowly made my way round to where she was, and that's when I saw it.

(Niall's POV)

"I-I just came to show harry where you could b-be, I guess he" I didn't mean to cut her off I couldn't help it I needed to feel he soft lips on mine, I suddenly crashed my lips to hers, I herd Harry joining us but I couldn't pull away.

Just as I was to give up she started moving her lips with mine, when we pulled away, she blushed and ran, "JAZZ I-I'M SORRY I DIDN'T I MEAN I DID BUT!" I sighed in deffete.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT NIALL?" Harry shouted behind me, even though I new he was their it still made me jump, "WELL? ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER ME OR,,, are you crying? Niall you really do like her more than a friend don't you?" he kept firing the questions at me but all I could do was stand there shocked by my actions.

"NIALL! NIALL! NIALL!" we heard Zayn shout,

"Over here." Harry called back to him and dragged me towards the road, by now it has got to be round about 7:00PM,

"c'mon guys we need to get" I was cut off by Harrys phone ringing, "Hello Liam.......we are on our way back now." with that he hung up and said that we got to get back like now.

(Jasmine's POV)

I was just about to run in the hous when a tall dark figure was stood in my way,

"Hello princess, how are you?" he asked I then relised who it was,

"How did you get out?"

"I escapped, how else would I of gotten out?"

"Can I get in my house please?" I asked bitterly, he just stood their laughing at me, then I herd shouting going on inside, 

"You got guest's?" he asked he grabed me by the hair and pushed me into the door, everything inside just went quite,

"Guy's can you open up please, I'm frezzing cold." I asked quickly, the next thing I know is the door opening, and they dragged me inside and slammed the door shut, "What was that for?' I asked confused, then I was pulled into a big group hug, the only thing that broke us apart was Liam saying that he was goung to call the rest of the guy's, 'BANG BANG' "I will get it" I said happly,

"Pete? What are you doing here?" I asked acting like I didn't just talk to him outside,

"Can I come in and I got time off with good behavier" He explained, pushing past me, to get a good look at the boys who was now stood behind me,

"The others are on their way." Laim expained walking into the hall, "Erm who's this?'

"My uncle Pete, the one who I told you about.' they all nodded, just the rest then came barggen in the house agn squeshing me in anther group hug, "guy's this is my uncle Pete." I told them all once again,

"Erm Jazz can I talk to you for a minute? In privert?" Niall asked, bluhing a little, aww he is soo cute when he blushes aww.

"Yeah, yeah sure.' I said knocking my self out of my thoughs.

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