Chapter 14 - Comforting her.

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(Jazz's POV)

I was still crying, I felt whoever it was holding me move, just to get more comfortable, I decided to look up, and found out that Zayn was holding me,

"Zayn? What are you doing here?" I wispered, into his chest considering I looked back down again,

"I want to know, what happened, and why you ran off, why you are crying?" he loaded all these question's on me and each one made me feel weak, like dad used to make me feel, couldn't help but cry, and think of when dad first hit me I was seven and just came home from school hoping dad was their but he wasnt, well not untill, 03:00AM, he came in and statred to shout aduse at me then, he hit me across the face,

"Zayn it was nothing." I choked out, tears again streaming down my face,

"Don't give me that crap, Jazz I know it was nothing do I have to get Niall, or Lou here to talk to you?" he asked again, I shook my head,

"I just needed to get away from them so they don't see me crying, like the weekling I am." I stated, he looked at me like he wanted an explaination, so I told him my story, befor the girl's,

"When I was 4 my perant's were constently arguing then one night I pretended to sleep and then dad took me away from my home, when we setteled down, here in Devon then he started to beat me, and, and," I couldn't continue, I just couldn't I felt Zayn's phone ring in his pocket, so he unrapped his arm's from me, and walked away a bit to answer it,

"Erm I don't know, oh wait do you guy's know were McDonald's is?" he asked into the phone, "Well you know the hill that goes down on you're left, well go down there and you will see us, okay?" the he hung up, and sta with me again,

"The guy's on their way." It was more of a stament than a question, but he still nodded, just then the boy's came running, around the corner, with the three face's that I did'nt want to see ever again,

"WHY DID YOU RUN OFF LIKE THAT, YOU COULD OF GOT YOU'RE SELF LOST, DID YOU NOT CARE HOW ANYONE ELSE WOULD OF FEELT LIKE IF SOMETHING HAPPEDEN TO YOU?" Lou shouted at me, but eve though he was a few paces back I still ad to step back a bit then my back hit a wall,

"I'm sorry Lou it's just that I had to get away from her." I whispered to him that just made it even more angry, "Lou you're scaring me."

"YOU NEED TO LEARN SOME MANNER'S JASMINE TOMLINSON!" he screched, erning some strange look's,

"FUCK YOU LOUIS, FUCK YOU AND YOU'RE JOKE OF A BAND!" I yelled back and ran again, this time I ran toward's the college considering I new alot of teacher's there, he just stood there dumfoundly. Then a blck van came up next too me.

(Louis's POV)

"FUCK YOU LOUIS, FUCK YOU AND YOU'RE JOKE OF A BAND!" she screemed back at me, then ran not sure where to, I wanted to run after her but I couldn't move, I stood there shocked when I composed my self she was half way up the hill, still running,

"JAZZ WAIT!" I called after her, then it happened, a black van came out of no where, and dad pulled her into it, "JAZZ!" I screemed, pushing myself faster. I tookmy phone out and took a picture of the number plate, and then called the police,


Sorry you have to wait such a long time for me update, then I only do a little bit but, next time I update which will be as soon as poss, it will be a longer chapter.

Ta for now my carrot monster's,

Jazz x

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