Chapter 4 - Old Relationships (part 2).

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(Demetrie's pov)

As the girls walked out and she walked in, she looked like she has been like that for ages not just an hour, her hair was every where, her face was stained with tear marks, and her hole body looked so sad I just wanted to comfort her. I couldn't get myself to move though it was like being glued to the floor by PVA glue. I wasn't paying attention to what she said but I knew if I was then I wouldn't be able to help my self, I would of picked her up and hugged her all night long. It look's like she is finished talking and trying not to cry, poor little angel.

"I'm so, so, so, sorry" I whisperd to her and I knowshe herd me cause she looked at me as soon as I opened my mouth,

"IF YOU'RE SO FUCKING SORRY ThEN WHY KISS HER, HER OF ALL PEOPLE. THAT, THAT SLUT. SHE DOES NOTHING BUT STEAL GUYS AWAY FROM ME, ANADA, AND ALSO JESS BUT YOU WONT KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THAT WOULD YOU CAUSE YOU DON'T FUCK LISTEN!" by now she has made her way over to me and she is poking my chest so hard it make's me want to back up towards the door but I don't.

(Jasmine's pov)

"hey leave him alone this is between you and me bitch" Abbie exclaimed, I walked over to her all calm and everything,but when I got there she slaped me across the face so hard my cheek went numb, by then everyone else gathered round to watch us and I wanted to plung at her and I did But then I fell't two strong arms around my waist, an I saw Demetrie go round and stop Abbie from lungging at me.

"LET ME FUCKING GO!" I shouted at the top of my voice, but the arm's just got tighter round my waist untill I was Stood up striaght, then I turned around and relized that it was Niall form One Direction holding me back the hole time I tried to turn away so he coudn't se me cry, because secretly Niall was my fave out of all the boys, and I have a nasty habbit, I cant cry infront of people I like, love or hate or anything inbatween, last time I cried infront of someone that I loved it was in front of Demetrie, and he beat me because of it and he called me stuff like weak and a sap, which hurt because I love him.

"Why don't you look at me?" Niall asked, confusion covering his tone, which I could why it would because I haven't even told them the hole story,

"Let me go Niall. Please?" I asked like it was urgent for him to let me go, and he did just that, once I was able to move out of his grasp I turned to look at Abbie and Demetrie "I hope you two have had fun playing games with my heart, and I hope you two are happy." I said as calmly as possable but I couldn't even hide the times my voice broke through out that hole sentce. I instantly ran into the living room and just flopping onto my belly and crying my eye's out.

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