Chapter 1

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Part one

  Their hands brushed against each others as they both reached for the last water bottle. Her stomach flipped at the touch of her skin.
  "You take it" Kimberely said, looking up into her friends eyes. She saw her everyday and yet was still overwhelmed by her beauty.
  "Thanks" said Cheryl, eyes twinkling as she smiled at her, showing off those dimples that were guaranteed to get kimberleys heart racing. As Cheryl reached out again to take the bottle, Kim took her hand back slowly, taking the time to trace her index finger along the younger girls forearm.  She smiled to herself as she watched the goosebumps appear and heard the girl inhale deeply.
  "Come on girls"

  Kimberley snatched her hand away as she felt the colour rise to her cheeks. Bothe girls turned around to face their choreographer.

  "You'll never learn these dances if you spend all day gossiping". She knew exactly what the friends were like when they got together...or at least she thought she did.


  "That was a hard session" Sarah complained, sliding down the wall into a heap.

  "Tell me about it" Nadine joined in, still struggling for breath.

  Kimberley looked up, her cheeks still flushed, beads of perspiration on her forehead. "How do you stay looking so fresh after that?!" she directed at Cheryl.

  The girl flashed those dimples again. "Well you know. If you've got the skills...." She said, winking.

  "Shower time", Nicola announced, getting up and pulling her top away from her stomach, drenched after the choreography session.

  "Agreed" said Sarah and Nadine standing up, "coming?"

  "I'll follow in a bit", Kim glanced sideways at Cheryl. "Need to get the feeling back in my legs first" she laughed.

  "Yeah and i need another drink", Cheryl decided, getting up to refill her water bottle, watching as the other 3 band members left the room.

  Kim laid herself down flat out on the floor feeling the chill of the wood cool her body. Cheryl reappeared and sat herself down by her friends head. "You're so sexy when you're all red and sweaty", Cheryl whispered, glancing at the choreographer, who was packing her kit away.Kimberley reddened some more and rolling on her side she stretched her hand out to gently touch her friends leg.

  "Come on." Grabbing the older girls hand Cheryl pulled her into standing and they left the dance studio. The girls pace picked up as they walked throught the corridors, past the changing rooms where their friends were, heading to a room that they knew only too well.

  When they reached the door to the dim, unused supply closet Kimberley glanced around her. "Quick." she said, pushing Cheryl by the small of her back and closing the door behind them.

  "We need to be more careful Kimba. Little touches here and there are what will get us caught!"

  At first Kimberley felt a knot in her stomach, scared that she had upset her. She looked up, ready to apologise. "It's just so hard to keep my hands off you." But as she looked into her eyes she saw it. The unmistakable twinkle that let her know she was joking.

  "That's beacause I'm irresitable." joked the geordie, flashing those trademark dimples.

  "Uh huh" Kim raised her hand to softly touch the girls face, running her finger slowly to her mouth, feeling a rush of emotion as she felt the soft lips kiss her finger.

  "I want you." Kimberleys hands dropped to gently touch the hem of her sports top, tucking her fingers slowly underneath to caress her toned stomach, making the brunette inhale deeply once more. Crouching slightly she lifted the tshirt to he ribs slowly kissing her tummy as she did tasting the salty perspiration from the earlier dance session. Standing she gently pulled her tshirt over her haed, lingering a while with Cheryls arms still entwined in her top, held in place by kims hand. Leaning in for a gentle kiss the girls lips met softly, kim stepped forward pushing Cheryl against the back of the door, arms still held tight above her head.

  "Now I've got you exactly where i want you." she whispered, voice full of lust. Cheryl looked into her eyes, heart beating faster. "Kimba....kiss me..." she breathed, so quietly that she was almost unheard.

  Kimberleys spare hand reached out and traced a path around the girls lips, leaning forward to gently kiss below her ear. Cheryl's breathing sped up as she felt a small path of kisses along her jawline. Then their lips were close, so close that they were almost touching, almost.

  "Please" begged Cheryl as she felt her soft lips gently press on hers. Kim smiled to herself, giving the girl what she wanted, the kiss building, becoming more and more intense. Reaching up to pull the tshirt away and free her hands the older girls tongue pushes into her mouth. Cheryl moaned quietly into her, feeling her desire growing. Now that her hands were free she took full advantage, caressing Kimberleys back and reaching to her shoulders to slip the straps of her vest down, sliding her clothind to her waist to reveal her lacy black bra. Licking her lips the younger girl slowly ran her fingers along the edge of the bra, where material meets skin. "Kimba..." she breathed.

  No longer being able to control herself she flipped around, pinning Kimba to the door forcefully kissing her, one hand cupping her covered breast, the other gently entwined in her long thick hair. She felt the gentle tug of her hair being pulled at the nape of her neck, the geordie hungrily kissing her exposed neck and collarbone. Breathing speeding up she feels the younger girls hand slip inside the waistband of her joggers. A moan escapes her lips as Cheryl's fingers start to work thier magic. One hand at Cheryl's waist, the other cupping her lovers cheek, Kimberleys legs begin to weaken as she feels her orgasm building. Sensing the change in her breathing and realising that she is close, Cheryl pulls back to look at her, releasing her hair and deftly unclipping her bra. Simultaneously Cheryl holds her breast rubbing her nipple slowly, and pushes her fingers inside her lover continuing to rub with her thumb. Feeling her body tense as she gives way to her feelings, Cheryl uses her spare hand to pull Kim in closer, holding her until her breathing gradually returns to normal.

  Lifting her hand from Kimberleys trousers Cheryl looks at her fingers, soaked and glistening in the dim light. "Wow" she breathes, again flashing those dimples causing Kims tummy to flip. "Definately wow" she agreed, leaning forward to kiss her lover appreciatively.

  "sh*t, look at the time!!"

  Thegirls hurried to get dressed, Kim pulling up her top whilst Cheryl searched for hers in the weakly lit room.

  "F*ck, what if they ask where we've been?!" Kimberley was beginning to panic at the thought of being found out.

  "We've not been that long."

  "Long enough, what if they went back to the dance studio and noticed us gone?!"

  "Shhh", Cheryl calmed her bringing her in for an embrace. "It will be fine. We''l tell them we went for a walk, just to stretch off. No biggy." She smiled as she felt her relax into her arms. "You're such a worrier Kimba!" she said lightly tapping her on the nose.

  "I know" she sighed "but can you imagine if they found out?! What would happen then?! They would hate us, things would never be the same again. It would probably mean the end of the band and everything. The press would have a field day."

  "Seriously, calm down. Nobody is going to find out," Cheryl reassured, swallowing the lump in her throat as she thought about the consequenses of her feelings. "Anyway I like having you to myself...our little secret." She kissed her lips ruffling her hair playfully. "Come on, or we really will be in trouble."

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