Chapter 7

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Part seven.

  They stood infront of the green door, Cheryl's hand hovering over the doorbell. She paused, turning with a smile to face Kimberley.

  "One last kiss? Before we have to pretend?"

  Kimberley smiled back, leaning in towards her.

  At that moment, the door handle turned creakily, causing both girls to almost jump out of their skin, springing apart before looking at the door, which was now opening.

  "Come on you pair, ditch your bags and come and grab a drink!" Sarah practically manhandled them, pulling them by the sleeves of their jackets. The girls stole a glance at each other and smiled. Sarah was in full on hostess mode, eager to please her guests. They knew that, as always, this meant a great night would be had at the Harding residence.

  They dropped their overnight bags at the foot of the stairs and followed Sarah through to the kitchen, Kimberley gently guiding Cheryl with one hand on her lower back. Reaching the kitchen the girls seperated, greeting Nicola and Nadine with hugs, smiling and saying polite hellos to a few others in the room.

  "Get these down ya!" Sarah handed them both a coctail, purplish in colour.

  "What's in this?" Cheryl asked examining it.

  "Best not to ask. You got off lightly." Nicola replied lifting a hand to show Cheryl her drink. The same style glass, but different colour contents, Nicola's was green and murky looking. Nic and Cheryl grimaced at each other and chuckled.

  "So where did you put your bags?" Sarah asked with a cheeky grin, pretending not to have heard the question. "Do you fancy the grand tour?" Raising an arm she spun in a circle gesturing to her surroundings.

  "Sounds lovely." Kim laughed at the blonde, who had clearly been sampling the coctails before her guests had arrived. "You can show us the room we're in while you're at iy!"

  "Follow me!" Sarah skipped off towards the hallway.

  Cheryl and Kimberley looked at each other and smiled. Without communicating they both knew what their next move would be. Walking backwards to the sink, one eye on the door, they were just about to pour the contents of their glasses down the plughole when Sarah reappeared.

  " you don't you pair!!! Get those drank! Come on, you can bring them with you!"

  "What's wrong with just having a glass of wine?!" Cheryl groaned.

  "Busted!" Nicola laughed as the two girls followed Sarah out of the room.

  They laughed too, resigning themselves to the fact that they would have to drink the hideous concoction, there would be no getting away with it whilst Sarah was revving up to party mode.

  "So, decide between yourselves who gets the ensuite. It's these two rooms that you're in." Sarah explained as the got to the top of the stairs.

  "Oh that's ok Sarah, we don't mind sharing!" KImberley offered.

  "Yeah honestly!" Cheryl agreed almost too enthusiastically. "Let one of the others use the other room."

  "Nope, just you guys staying tonight, so you might as well be comfortable!"

  Sarah ushered the girls into their rooms, barely giving them enough time to set their bags down before rushing them on to the next part of the tour.

  "Quick then, we're wasting valuable drinking time!"


  The housewarming was a success. Bothe Cheryl and Kimberley had developed quite a taste for the purple coctails, although each one was a slightly different colour and taste to the last. Despite this Sarah insisted that she wasn't just making it up as she went along.

  Cheryl had spent all evening studying Kimberley, being careful not to be too obvious. She was mesmerised by her, the way she walked, her full hips swaying with every step. She loved how, just when she thought Kim had completely forgotten about her, to busy in her conversation with somebody else, she would look up, flashing her that beautiful smile. That smile, the one that was for her and her alone, could melt Cheryl's heart.

  The girls tried to be discreet. All evening they had practically avoided each other, and yet they were bot fully aware of where each other was in the room, never letting one another out of their peripheral vision, even for a second. Passing each other in the corridor they deliberatley brushed fingers, eager to have that contact...lingering to long when passing a drink, fingertips barely touching...breathing in each others scent as they leaned across to get something.

  But it wasn't enough. Seeing Kimberley disappear up the stairs heading for the bathroom, Cheryl took her chance. Making her excuses to the man in her company she swiftly followed. Reaching the bathroom Cheryl Looked around her to make sure she was alone. Satisfied, she quietly knocked.

  "One second..." Kimberley called.

  "Kimba, it's me, let me in quick!"

  Kimberley opened the door a crack.

  "What's the rush?! I was having a w......"

  Kimberley was forced to cut her sentence short as Cheryl's lips crashed against her's, causing her to stumble backwards into the sink. Cheryl kicked back with one leg, slamming the door shut. Her hands instinctively reached out to etwine themselves in Kim's hair, pulling her deeper into their kiss.

  "Whoa..." Kim muttered, pulling away to look at Cheryl, her face slightly flushed, lipgloss smudged.

  Reaching behind her to lock the door Cheryl uttered breathlessly, "You promised to make it up to me Kimba..."

  Once again Cheryl leant against her with a force that made her back up into the sink, knocking over several bottles that were placed there. She smiled to herself, feeling Kimberley respond, pushing her tongue deeper into the brunette's mouth whilst her hands tightly gripped the beack of the Geordie's jumper dress, scrunching it up beneath her balled fists.

  Cheryl's hands roamed all over her lover's body, eagerly removing her clothes, only parting lips to tug her jumper past her face. Kim pushed Cheryl back slightly, breathing heavily as she pulled the dress up over her head. Long dark hair fell messily into place as they collided agin. Breaking away Cheryl's voice was deep and full of passion.

  "F*ck me..."

  She firmly took the older girl's wrist, swiftly directing it downwards, releasing it to guide her own hand towards Kim. Biting gently on her shoulder Kimberley inhaled as Cheryl deftly slipped two fingers inside her. The older girl followed suit and felt Cheryl tense in her arms, slowly pushing deeper until she heard her moan quietly into her ear.

  The girls stayed like that, locked in an embrace, their weight supported by the sink, fingers expertly gliding in and out of each other, thumbs tracing slick circles on their clits.

  Feeling herself coming close Cheryl increased the pressure on Kim's nub, adding an extra finger. Both girl's clung to each other as their orgasms reacher their peak, waves of pleasure crashing over them both, legs turning weak as they gave in to their feelings, holding each other tight as their pleasure subsided.

  Kim felt Cheryl shudder in her arms as she withdrew her fingers. Tipping her head back with her thumb under her chin, fingers stroking her cheek, Kim kissed Cheryl lovingly, tongue caressing her lower lip.

  "Well that was...unexpected!" Kim laughed, pulling out of the kiss. "I only came up for a wee!!!"

  "Sh*t!" The girls sprang apart, scrambling for thier clothes as someone knocked the door for a second time.

  "Just a second.." Kim called out, glancing at Cheryl who was fighting to get back into her dress, hair tousled, face still flushed.

  "F*ck, f*ck, f*ck!" Cheryl whispered looking in the mirror. "How am I going to explain this?!" she panicked, pointing to her rosy cheeks.

  Zipping her jeans and straightening her jumper Kimberley laughed to herself.

  "Stop panicking, it's only friends here Cheryl, who cares?!"

  Looking at her again, watching her patting her cheeks in the mirror, Kim felt a protective instinct taking hold of her. She sighed and hugged the youger girl from behind, looking at her through the mirror.

  "Don't worry, nobody will have a clue." she told her, forcing a smile.

  Kim opened the door to be greeted by Nadine, standing in an almost comical pose, legs crossed, a look of desperation across her face.

  "Take your time!" she muttered, pushing past Kim to get in the bathroom. "Oh Cheryl, sorry I didn't know you were in here too." she explained, lifting her dress and settling herself onto the toilet with a sigh of relief.

  "Erm...yeah...Cheryl felt a bit ill. Too many coctails!" Kim lied. "She's fine now though, aren't you?"

  Cheryl smiled gratefully, taking Kim's outstretched hand.

  "Yep, we're off downstairs, see ya in a bit!" she called to the Irish girl as she swiftly exited the bathroom, shutting the door behind her and breathing a sigh of relief.

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