Chapter 5

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Part five

  Cheryl smiled to herself as she took in the view. Long, perfectly toned legs leading to what Cheryl could only describe as perfection. Round and full, with curves in exactly the right places, Cheryl could not keep her eyes off of Kimberley's bottom.

  "Get a good eye full?!" Kimberley joked, straightening up after unloading the last box from the car.

  "Just admiring the view." she replied, scooping her girlfriend into a hug. "I actually can't believe that you're moving in!!!!"

  "Need to breathe Cheryl..." Kim croaked, prising herself out of her tight hold. "I know, too late to get rid of me now you know!!!"

  "Never." Cheryl placed a kiss on the tip of her nose. "Although I think if you had brought anymore boxes i think I would have had to move out, just to make room for all your stuff!" Cheryl opened her eyes wide, gesturing to all of the boxes around them.

  "Well I did tell you that it wouldn't all fit in your room didn't I?! That's why I need the spare room, for all of this!" she laughed.

  "Anyway", she continued, jokingly nudging Cheryl's arm. "You wouldn't have had to carry so much if you'd have let the girls help like they wanted to!"

  "I know, but i want at least some of your stuff in our room, what would they have said to that?!"

  Cheryl tried to keep herself busy, rumaging through a box aimlessly, trying to avoid looking in her eyes.

  Kimberley sighed. She could see that Cheryl was not ready for another discussion about when to tell people, so she decided to leave it for now. Besides, Cheryl was right. It was nice that nobody else knew. They were in their own little bubble, and she didn't want it to pop anytime soon.

  Standing behind her, slipping her arms around the younger girls waist, Kimberley gently kissed the back of her neck.

  "Come on then, where's all this stuff going?"

  She felt Cheryl physically relax in her arms, turning around to hug her back.

  "I love you Kimba." she smiled. "You always understand me. You're the only one that ever has."

  Kim gently kissed her, pulling her tighter into the embrace. Burying her face into her brunette hair Kimberley frowned. The truth was, she didn't understand her, not this time anyway. If she loves me, why does it matter if anybody knows?! she thought to herself. If it was up to her everybody would know, the girls, friends, family, the public. To hell with what everone else thought. Kimberley loved Cheryl more than all of those things put together and if telling people about their relationship meant losing it all then so be it. Kimberley's heart quickened as she began to worry. What if Cheryl doesn't really feel the same? Maybe I don't mean enough to Cheryl to be worth the risk?

  Kim pulled away from the hug to look deep into Cheryl's eyes. Her heart rate slowed, the feeling of panic subsided. Cheryl loved her, she knew that deep down. She just had to convince her that going public would be worth it in the long run.

  "Love you too." Kim replied. Now let's get a move on otherwise we'll be unpacking all weekend! And we've got Sarah's flat warming party tomorrow night, I want to be settled in by then!"

  "Alright slave driver!" Cheryl smiled, bending over to pick up a box. Kim smiled to herself as it was her turn to admire the view.


  Kimberley laid stretched out on her tummy, beads of perspiration collecting in the small of her back. Cheryl lay alongside her, head propped up by one arm, the other hand gently tracing circles between Kimberley's shoulder blades. Brushing her hair away she slowly leaned forward kissing her neck. Kim rolled on to her side, pulling Cheryl into her. Lifting a hand she lovingly ran her fingers through her long dark hair, tousled and wavy from the recent activities. Cupping her hand at the back of her head, Kim pulled her closer to gently kiss her flushed cheeks.

  "That was amazing baby." she whispered into Cheryl's ear.

  Cheryl smiled, blushing further.

  "Well, I thought we should celebrate in style." she chuckled, revealing her dimples.

  "I can't think of a better way to celebrate." Kim agreed.

  "I'm so glad you moved in. I love you more that anything in this world. You do know how happy I am don't you?" Cheryl asked, earnestly looking into her lovers eyes.

  Kim paused.

  "I know you love me Cheryl." she smiled. "I love you too."

  "I'm so glad you moved in." Cheryl repeated, her eyes twinkling mischieviously.

  "Are you....?"

  "Yeah...I knew this spare bed would come in handy for something!" she winked. Laughing she sprung up off the bed to grab her clothes, avoiding Kimberley's playful smack.

  She threw Kim her dress and looked across at the pile of boxes, still to be unpacked, briefly forgotten in their moment of passion.

  "Come on" she smiled, "These boxes won't unpack themselves! And when they're done I thought we could 'celebrate' in our bed too?!"

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