Chapter 22

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Part twenty two

  Cheryl shook out of her daze, looking up at the waiter to smile briefly, thanking him for her meal. As he walked away Cheryl looked past him once again, refocusing as her eyes softened, a mushy smile frozen to her lips.

  "Cheryl...." Kimberley tried to get the brunette's attention for the fourth time. Looking over at the other table, following Cheryl's eyeline, she smiled briefly before turning back to her girlfriend. She paused for a while, taking in the geordie's breathtaking profile, knowing that Cheryl was oblivious to being watched so intently. Goosebumps appeared across her skin as she felt a sudden rush of love for the younger girl. Reaching across the table she took Cheryl's hand, causing her to jump slightly at the unexpected contact.

  "He's a cutie." Kim told her softly.

  "Huh?" Cheryl's eyes flicked back towards Kim and she blushed, aware that she had zoned out slightly.

  "The boy." Kim explained, gesturing her head towards the other table. "He's beautiful."

  Cheryl smiled broadly as she looked again at the table opposite. He was probably around 12 months old, his deep brown eyes staring into Cheryl's as he twisted around in his high chair, grubby fingers leaving small prints along the wood as he held tight for support. Smiling broadly at his new found friend the boy flashed his gums, two little white teeth protruding as he chewed on his knuckles.

  "Yeah he is." Cheryl agreed, glancing upwards to acknowledge the boys father as he removed the baby from his seat. Craning her neck slightly to watch them leave the restaurant Cheryl sighed, absent mindedly picking up her fork as she began to twist her pasta.

  Kim frowned, confused by Cheryl's sudden sombre mood. Looking from Cheryl to the family at the door, and back again, she put her cutlery down.

  "You ok babes?"

  "Yeah." Cheryl replied, in her most convincing tone, a smile on her face that didn't quite meet her eyes.

  "Cheryl..." Kim replied firmly, raising one eyebrow.

  Cheryl looked up from her plate, tears pooling in her eyes as she tried to blink them back. Realising that she was worrying Kim she laughed at herself, fanning at her face as she blew upwards into her eyes, willing the tears to fade.

  "I'm being silly." she explained, shaking her head. "It's just that...doesn't it make you sad that we'll never have that?"

  "Have what?" Kim asked her, confused. "Greasy fingerprints all over our best clothes?!" she laughed gently.

  Cheryl frowned at her before looking down at the table again, pushing the food around her plate.

  Kim chuckled at her, touching her hand again as she tilted her head, trying to catch her eye.

  "I'm joking babes." she reassured her. "Never have what?"

  "You know." Cheryl looked up, smiling sadly as she looked into her girlfriend's eyes. "All the stuff I imagined having since I was a kid. A house in the country, the big white wedding......babies." Cheryl winced slightly as she saw a frown form across Kimberley's forehead, reaching over to quickly take her hand.

  "Don't get me wrong..." she continued. "I'd rather have you than any of that...its just...gonna take a while to get my head around it."

  Kim's forehead wrinkled further as she stared at her girlfriend, shaking her head slowly. Moving her hand from underneath Cheryl's she placed her own on top, lovingly rubbing her knuckles.

  "Cheryl, what makes you think you can't have all of those things? That's exactly what I want too. I want a beautiful garden with plenty of space for the dogs we'll have, and a huge kitchen with enough chairs around the table for our little family. I can already picture a beautiful baby girl with your perfect eyes." Tears formed in her own eyes as Cheryl began to smile.

  "More importantly than any of that though I want you Cheryl. One day I want to watch you walking down the aisle, looking just as beautiful as you do right now, and I want to think, she's mine. She chose me." Kim brushed away a tear, briefly looking around them in embarrassment before staring back at her girlfriend.

  Cheryl grinned, her breath catching in her throat, trying to stifle her emotions as she spoke.

  "Kimba...are you proposing?!" she asked innocently, her eyes twinkling.

  Sensing the younger girls playful tone Kim laughed, squeezing her hand tighter.

  "One day...if you're lucky....maybe." she answered, winking. "Eat your food baby, it's almost cold."

  Keeping her hand in Kimberley's, their fingers closely entwined, Cheryl lifted her fork with her left hand, clumsily beginning to eat, a smile across her lips.


 Kim smiled as she squeezed her fingers tighter against Cheryl's, twisting her arm behind her back to wrap the brunette's arm around herself, pulling her girlfriend closer. Closing her eyes as they slowly walked she tipped her head back, enjoying the feel of the warm evening breeze against her face. With each step she felt her feet sink into the still warm sand, the cool sea occasionally lapping at her ankles. Both girls carried their sandals in their hands, swaying them gently as they headed down the beach.

  Suddenly changing direction Cheryl pulled Kimberley by her hand, leading her away from the water, heading towards the large rocks that separated the beach from the quite coastal road.

  Kim smiled, following her lover without question. She watched her toned back as she walked a few steps behind her, her bronzed skin highlighted in the moonlight. Stopping at the top of the beach Cheryl turned around to face Kim, before sinking herself onto the sand, leaning her back against the gradual slope of the sand dune. Kim smiled, lowering herself next to her, resting her head against Cheryl's chest, her arm draped across her stomach. Cheryl propped her upper body up on her elbows, resting her cheek against Kimberley's head as she watched the waves gently crash into the shore. The tall grassy reeds protruding from the sand sheltered them from the evenings breeze.

  "We're you serious earlier?" Cheryl asked quietly, planting a kiss in the older girls thick hair.


  Cheryl nudged Kim's forehead gently with her cheek, encouraging her girlfriend to look up at her. Cheryl stared into her eyes, a serious look on has face as she spoke again.

  "About us. And our future."

  Kim lengthened her body, pushing her bare feet into the sand to help close the distance between their lips. She kissed her gently, rubbing their noses together as she pulled away. Twisting herself onto her front Kim laid as close as she could to Cheryl, resting her weight against the younger girls side, sandwiching her leg between hers.

  "Cheryl...I've never been more serious." she promised.

  Sliding her hand up Cheryl's body Kim's heartrate increased as she caressed from her hip up to her ribs. Cupping her breast through her dress she softly kissed Cheryl's neck, moaning quietly as she inhaled her familiar perfume. Kissing a trail along her jaw Kim smiled as she looked at her girlfriend, her head tilted back, her eyes closed, licking the corner of her mouth in anticipation. Rolling completely on top of her, trapping one hand against her chest Kimberley kissed her passionately, massaging her breast, rubbing her thumb over the swell of her nipple, clearly evident even through the material of her dress.

  Cheryl welcomed the kiss, sucking Kim's tongue into her own mouth, combing her fingers through her windswept hair as she held her tight. Tucking her fingers under the hem of her vest she brushed her fingertips delicately across her back before lowering her hand to slide into the waistband of her skirt. Lowering her hand as far as she could reach Cheryl cupped Kimberley's ass, her fingers dipping between her legs, feeling the older girls heat.

  Hearing voices in the distance Kim broke away, smiling breathlessly. "Another bar?!....or the villa?" she asked, a twinkle in her eye.

  "Definately villa." Cheryl replied, taking Kim's hand as she helped her up.

  Brushing the sand from her skirt Cheryl wrapped her arm around Kimberley's waist, smiling up at her as they headed off the beach.

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