Chapter 13

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Part thirteen.

  Standing in the kitchen Kim placed the phone down on the worktop.

  "Oops..." she said looking at Cheryl. She raised both eyebrows, a cheeky smile creeping across her face."Hilary is NOT amused that we didn't turn up today!"

  Cheryl groaned from where she was sitting across the room, still snuggled in her dressing gown, perched on a tall stool. She dropped her head theatrically onto the counter with a loud bang. Choreography. All day. Usually this would have really appealed to Cheryl, especially with their tour looming, but today she just couldn't face it. She felt drained, emotionally and physically.

  "Did she buy it?!" she asked, pulling her head up from the work surface.

  "Hook, line and sinker." Kim chuckled. Thinking on her feet when Hilary called, clearly angry with them both, she had told her that they were both ill, a stomach bug. Hilary had told them to stay at home, not to risk passing it on to the other 3 girls.

  Still smiling to themselves the girls eyes net across the kitchen island, smiles fading, expressions becoming serious.

  "What are we going to do Cheryl?" Kim pushed her thumb into her temple, rubbing her fingers across her forehead.

  "About...?" She replied, already knowing the answer to her question.

  Kim pulled up a stool, leaning herself against it as she spoke."About you mum Cheryl, and about us."

  "Us?" Cheryl repeated."We're not doing anything about us. We're fine as we are. More than fine."

  "And if your mum does hate you because of it?"

  Cheryl sighed, eyes stinging as she tried to blink back tears. Failing, she brushed them away, getting up to stand infront of Kimberley, holding her hands in her own.

  "My mum probably is going to hate me. I think she made that quite clear last night." she paused taking a deep breath."I'll be devastated." She said staring into her girlfriends eyes."But I will have to learn to live with it." Twisting her fingers through Kims she smiled." I cannot live without."

  Kim smiled back, her heart fluttering as she saw a hint of sparkle return to Cheryl's eyes.

  "So we're back on?" she asked.

  "We were never off baby." Cheryl whispered, leaning in to claim her lips. Hugging her close to her she whispered in her ear  "I  love you."

  Hearing the phone ring Cheryl stepped away from Kim to answer it. Dragging herself off of the stool Kim headed to the sink, turning the taps on and filling the sink with hot bubbly water ready to wash their breakfast pots.

  Leaning on the wall Cheryl observed her whilst talking.

  "Hi Nic, yeah we're not too bad ta. Feeling much better than earlier...yeah we will...ok babs....yeah....thanks for calling.....see you soon...yep...bye!"

  She sighed, having having to lie to her friend. She disconnected the call and continued to watch Kimberley, who was staring at the tiled wall infront of her, a blank expression on her face as she cleaned the dishes. Walking up behind her she snaked her arms around her middle, holding her close.

  "What's wrong Kimba?" she asked."I thought we were ok?" She gently kissed her shoulder.

  Drying her hands but not turning around Kim answered in an overly cheery tone."Nothing, I'm fine, just washing up!". Shaking her head realising that Cheryl wasn't going to fall for it she spoke again."Honestly, I'm ok, it's just a lot to take in y'know?"

  Tipping her head to the side she closed her eyes as Cheryl began kissing her neck. Cheryl moaned quietly as she gently nippedher soft skin with her teeth, taking her earlobe into her mouth and sucking it lightly. Rubbing her hands across her tummy she pushed her fingers under the edge of her top,  gently stroking her fingertips along her skin.

  Gripping Cheryl's wrists in a feeble attempt to push her hands away Kim was met with resistance.

  "Cheryl..." she protested weakly.

  "Please baby." Cheryl whispered, still kissing her neck lovingly."I've hated us being all upset like this. I just need to touch you, to feel you again. I just want to make you happy. I've missed you, missed us."

  Kim smiled to herself at Cheryl's mushy words. It had only been a day and a half ago that they had last slept together but Cheryl was right. With everything that had happened inbetween it felt like a lifetime ago.

  Feeling Kimberley's grip on her wrists loosen Cheryl smiled. Holding Kim's hands tightly and wrapping both pairs of arms around the older girls body, she leant her chin on her shoulder, softly sucking her pulse point.

  "Let me show you how much I love you..."

  Kissing her neck, more forcefully now, Cheryl brought both of her hands up to cup Kim's breasts under her tshirt. Hooking her fingers over the top of her bra she rubbed her knuckles against her nipples, feeling them harden under her touch. Slipping one hand underneath the wiring of her bra Cheryl gently squeezed, pulling her closer to herself. Kim's breath deepened as she felt Cheryl's chest pushing into her back. Holding her close Cheryl slid her other hand down Kim's torso, deftly popping the button on her jeans with one hand, pulling one side of the material at an angle, forcing the zip down. Resting her cheek against the older girls hair Kim felt Cheryl's breath against the side of her face as her fingers slipped underneath the waistband of her pants.

  "You're so f*cking sexy." she almost growled, her hot breath in Kim's ear.

  Unable to resist any longer Kim turned herself around to kiss Cheryl passionately. Twisting her fingers through her hair, bringing her deeper into the kiss Kim gasped as her tiny fingers found their way back into her underwear. As Cheryl slowly circled Kim's bud, her breathing sped up. Becoming breathless she pulled away from their kiss, foreheads resting together as she orgasmed.

  Catching her breath Kim smiled at Cheryl. Cupping her face in her hands she rubbed their noses together.

  "Do you even know how amazing you are Cheryl?!" she asked her.

  "So I've been told!" she joked, winking at her.

  Playfully swatting her arm Kim laughed. "Not at that! Well...yeah, at that...but I mean it Cheryl. I love you so much. I don't ever want to lose you."

  The serious look returned to Cheryl's face as she stepped forward as close as possible to Kim, hands resting on her shoulders.

  "I'm not going anywhere." she promised.

  Regretting altering the mood Kim tried to distract her. Pulling the waistband of the younger girls dressing gown tighter she forced a laugh.

  "Are you getting dressed today?!"

  "Why...are you complaining?" she smiled, whipping open the front of her dressing gown for a millisecond to briefly reveal her naked body.

  Feeling a throb between her legs, lust filled Kim's eyes. She stepped forward, reaching out to untie the dressing gown cord.

  "Oh no no no..." Cheryl teased."I thought you wanted me to get dressed?" Laughing she headed over to the stairs, calling back over her shoulder as she went.

  "You can have your fun later!"

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