Chapter 21

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Part twenty one.

  "Don't take the p*ss Chez, it's 3 days!" Sarah laughed, shaking her head in shock at the brunette's huge case, spread open on the bed, already half full.

  "What?!" she asked innocently. "I need all this!"

  Sarah settled herself at the top of the bed, draping herself across the pillows. Closing her eyes and taking in a slow deep breath she spoke quietly.

  "Whatever. Kim will kill you though."

  "Why?" Cheryl asked, her eyes wide as she continued to cram things into her luggage. "You've just got the mardys cuz you're hungover!" she sneered, throwing a balled up pair of socks in the blonde's direction.

  Sarah laughed, pushing herself up onto her elbows, her already ghostly face paling further with the effort.

  "It's the wine." she replied. "Get's me every time. Good job I stayed here last night, don't think I would've remembered the journey home! How the hell are you and Kim not ill?!"

  "Because Sarah..." Cheryl replied with a smirk. "We know when to stop."

  Sarah chuckled to herself, a twinkle in her eye as she stood herself from the bed with shaky legs.

  "Well they do say blonde's have more fun!" she winked. "Anyway, I'm off downstairs to dob you in to do know she's only packed hand luggage yeah?!"

  Cheryl stared from Sarah to her case, and back again.Hand luggage?! How the hell...?

  "It's too early for this sh*t." the geordie laughed, flicking the lid of the case shut. "Let's see if we can get Kimba to get some breakfast on the go before our flight!"


  Kim kicked out at the suitcase before dropping to sit on the smooth stone bench outside the villa, taking a swig of her water.

  "It's a good job I love you." she tutted, shaking her head while using the back of her hand to wipe the perspiration from her flushed face.

  "To be fair..." Cheryl tried to justify herself. "I didn't know we we're gonna have to walk up a flippin mountain to get here!"

  Kim laughed at Cheryl's exaggeration, standing herself up on the bench, turning around to lean on the stone wall behind it. Smiling she offered her hand down to the younger girl, pulling her up to stand by her side. Wrapping her arm around her shoulder she felt a surge of love fill her chest as Cheryl snuggled into her.

  Both girls relaxed as they took in the incredible view, a wide expanse of sandy grassland, scattered with trees. The odd building stood out here and there, terracotta walls mixing with the surroundings. In the distance the sea shimmered in the midday sun, the bright blue sky reflected in the calm water. 

  Reaching up to the hand resting on her shoulder the brunette brushed her thumb softly across Kim's knuckles, before gently rubbing her nose against her girlfriend's cheek.

  "Me and you..." she smiled as she spoke. "...three...whole...days."


  Kim's breath caught in her throat as she watched Cheryl walking through the lounge, towards the patio area where she was sat waiting. She looked radiant, her cheek's sunkissed from an afternoons sunbathing, her freshly washed hair hanging in tousled waves against her  bare shoulders. Kim's heart tightened in her chest as she took in her tiny form, the fabric of her strapless dress clinging to her figure, accentuating her hips and chest.

  Kim walked towards her, both girls coming to a standstill in the doorway, Kim's hand resting delicately on Cheryl's hips. She leant towards her, softly capturing the younger girls lips with her own. Smiling into the kiss Cheryl broke away, brushing her hair out of her face as she spoke.

  "Sorry I took so long to get ready. Looking this good is hard work you know!" she joked.

  Feeling a stirring between her legs Kim's eyes hazed slightly, never faltering from Cheryl's chest.

  "I really doubt that." she mumbled, raising a hand to slowly trace a finger along her exposed collar bone. Smiling as her skin prickled under her touch Kim lowered her head, kissing the dip at the base of her neck, reaching around to the zip at the back of her dress.

  "Kimba....we have reservations..." Cheryl protested, involuntarily sighing in response to her touch.

  Kimberley ignored Cheryl's words, continuing her gentle assault on Cheryl's neck, kissing along her collar to her shoulder, her palms against her back as her fingertips ran up and down the ridges of the zipper.


  "You look gorgeous" she uttered, her voice husky as she inhaled a shaky breath. Lowering a hand to firmly squeeze the brunette's ass, she raised her other hand, toying with the top of the zip.

  Pushing at the older girls arms Cheryl stepped back slightly, her head on one side as she looked into her girlfriend's eyes.

  "Kimba..." she sighed, a cheeky smile forming on her lips. "Don't you ever tell me I'm the one who can't keep their hands to themselves! If we miss our booking it's your fault..."

  Cupping Kimberley's face in her hands Cheryl kissed her, nipping her teeth against her lips as her passion grew. She ran her hand along her shoulder, sliding the strap to Kim's vest down, taking her bra strap with it. Pushing the material down to expose her breast Cheryl lowered her head, slowly suckling at her skin, feeling her nipple harden between her lips.

  Holding the older girl closely, feeling her hand twisting in her hair, Cheryl ran her hand up the inside of Kim's legs, coming to rest against the lacy material of her already damp underwear. Feeling Kimberley's hands caressing her breasts Cheryl straightened up, moving her hand from the small of her back to the back of her head, pulling her into an intense kiss. While working her fingers into Kim's knickers Cheryl licked along her girlfriend's lower lip as she felt her gasp at her touch. Dipping her finger briefly into her, coating it in her juices, Cheryl circled her nub firmly. Hearing Kim's breath catch she increased the speed, sucking gently at has neck as she pulled the older girl over the edge, drawing out her orgasm as she felt the girl shudder in her hold.

  Placing one last kiss on Kim's shoulder Cheryl stooped slightly, pulling her girlfriend's skirt back into place, smoothing the material beneath her hands. Staring into her lover's eyes Cheryl licked along the length of her fingers, cleaning them, before kissing Kim slowly, sucking her lower lip as she pulled away.

  "Happy now?!" Cheryl asked with a smirk as she took in Kimberley's now flushed face. "Now try and restrain yourself least until after dinner." Cheryl winked at her girlfriend before taking her hand and leading her towards the door.

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