Chapter 18

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Part eighteen.

  Groaning Cheryl slouched back into the sofa, pulling up her top to rub her distended stomach. Popping the top button on her jeans she let out a slow breath.

  "I'm surprised you don't explode, the amount your tiny body can pack away!" Kimberley chuckled, shaking her head in amazement.

  Cheryl grinned, flashing her dimples as she sucked pizza grease from her fingers.

  "But it was soooo good...." she whined, arching her back to exaggerate her already swollen belly.

  Smiling, Kimberley stretched across the sofa, softly brushing her palm across the tight bronzed skin.

  "Suits you babes."

  Briefly catching Cheryl's eye Kim blushed. Clearing her throat she quickly looked away.

  "Can you believe there's only a week left until the tour starts?"

  "I know, it's mental!" Cheryl exclaimed, tossing the empty pizza box onto the floor like a frisby. Sitting herself up she pulled her top back down. "Let's hope these guts go down before the final costume fitting tomorrow!"

  Shifting uncomfortably in her seat Kim fiddled with a loose thread on the hem of her dress.

  "You ok...?" Cheryl questioned, rubbing her arm gently.

  "Erm...yeah, yeah I'm fine babes. I'm just gonna nip loo." She pointed towards the stairs, offering a faint smile. "You gonna stick the kettle on?"

  Frowning slightly Cheryl let her hand fall from her arm. Kimberley stood up from the sofa, heading across the lounge. Cheryl's eyes followed her as she disappeared up the stairs. Confused, she scooped up the pizza box and headed into the kitchen.

  She smiled as she approached the worktop, amused by Kimberley's organisation skills. Already set out on the cool granite surface was two mugs, teabags already inside, sugar and a spoon in one. Reaching out to switch the kettle on, clearly pre-filled by Kim, Cheryl paused. Leaning against it was a large envelope, Cheryl's name written across the front in perfect swirling handwriting.

  She frowned, picking the envelope up and studying it closely, turning it over in her hands as she thought.

  "Kimba...?" she called out, glancing back at the kitchen door.

  Her hands shaking, brow furrowed in confusion, she ripped into the corner of the envelope, sliding her finger across to open it fully. Her heart beating faster she slowly slid a glossy cardboard wallet from its sleeve. Her eyes lit up as she took in the design splashed across the front. Running her finger across the embossed aeroplane motif she slid the contents out onto the counter. She grinned as she processed the information.

  "Spain...?" she whispered to herself.

  "What do you think?"

  Hearing Kimberley's voice she spun around, finding her girlfriend standing in the doorway, smiling nervously.

  "A holiday?!?!" Cheryl squealed excitedly, rushing to her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around her. "Seriously?!"

  "Well...I sort of thought we could chill out for a bit. You know, after all the stress lately? Don't get too excited though, it's only a few days, just to Spain, nowhere flashy..." Kim babbled, her face burning.

  Cheryl's stomach filled with a million tiny butterflies as she stared into Kimberley's eyes. Closing the gap between them she gently brushed her lips across Kim's, before pulling away slightly. Running her fingers up the older girls back she took hold of the very ends of her long hair, twisting it lovingly in her hands. Holding their eye contact Cheryl kissed her, gently at first, slowly tracing her tongue along her lip before entering her mouth. Feeling Kim respond she ran her tongue along the roof of her mouth, before gently sucking her bottom lip. Placing a last kiss on her lips Cheryl smiled.

  "It sounds perfect Kimba."

  "Good." Kim grinned. "Because it's all arranged. We've got a few days free before the tour starts, so we leave the day after tomorrow, first thing. We'll be back in time for the final rehearsals on Thursday."

  "Just us...?" Cheryl questioned quietly, looking at the two tickets in her hand. Kimberley's smile answered her question. "What about the girls? What will Nic and Nadine think if we don't invite them?!"

  "I thought maybe we should tell them...?" she started, pausing slightly as she saw the shock in Cheryl's face. "I mean, it was your mum we we're worried about right? So...if she's ok, then we can handle the rest yeah?"

  Cheryl sighed, nervousness filling her stomach, a sensation she was becoming more and more familiar with. Taking a huge breath she smiled awkwardly at her girlfriend.

  "Kimberley, when I think about telling people about us it makes me physically sick to my stomach." Seeing the older girl step back slightly she quickly grabbed her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "What I mean scares the hell out of me. The girls, they will be ok, if not straight away then eventually. But what about our fans, the public? The media will twist this. If people don't understand, don't support us, we could lose everything. I don't think I could do that to you Kimba, you've worked so hard to get to this point, it's not fair for me to be so selfish. I want you...but if it all goes wrong and the band fails....I don't want you to hate me." she trailed off.

  Kim's face broke into a huge grin, causing a confused look to fall across the brunettes face.

  "Is that what you're worried about?" she asked. "Cheryl, I want you. I need you. If that means no band, no albums, no tour then so be it. I don't want to rush you baby, but I think the girls should know. They'd be devastated if they found out and we hadn't told them."

  Kimberley brushed the back of her hand against Cheryl's cheek and smiled tenderly. "One step at a time baby, we'll let the papers in on our little secret one day, but only when you're ready. And one more are the most important thing to me, I could never hate you."

  Cheryl smiled back at her. "Promise?"

  "Promise. How could I with a face like that?" she chuckled, running a finger across her dimpled cheek."So we tell the girls yeah? Tomorrow after the costume fitting? We'll get them over for some food or something."

  Seeing Cheryl open her mouth to speak she gently pushed her finger against her lips. "Tomorrow." she repeated.


  Closing the bathroom door behind her Cheryl briefly admired Kimberley's body, catching a glimpse of her toned back as Kimberley pulled her pyjama vest down, leaving a small strip of skin visable between that and her knickers. Turning around she smiled at Cheryl before climbing into the bed.

  Kimberley laid on her side, propping her head up on her hand as she unashamedly watched Cheryl begin to undress. Dropping her clothes into the laundry basket Cheryl turned to the chest of drawers, catching sight of Kimberley watching her. Pulling a tshirt out she laughed before pulling it over her head, spoiling Kimberley's view.

  "Get a good eye full?!" she joked.

  Kimberley laughed, folding back the quilt for her to join her. Flipping herself over and snuggling into the pillow she smiled as she felt Cheryl's arms snake around her waist, her soft lips gently kissing her neck. Her skin tingled as she felt Cheryl's warm breath against her ear, eye's filling with tears as she heard her words.

  "You mean so much to me Kimba. I would lose everything before I would lose you."

  Cheryl placed a kiss against Kim's warm shoulder, holding her close to her as she laid her head on her pillow, smiling as she drifted off.

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