Chapter 11

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Part eleven

  Kim stood in the kitchen, confused. Looking out of the window she watched as Cheryl ran past, jumper already soaked in the pouring rain. She waited a short while for her to return, and when she didn't she made her way to the front door, which she found still ajar.

  "Cheryl..?" she called, stepping out onto the porch. She looked out at the driveway, expecting to see her there but she had gone.

  "Cheryl!" she shouted louder. Nothing.

  Going back inside she picked her mobile up from the kitchen counter and dialled Cheryl's number. Turning the radio down she heard the faint buzz of something vibrating, coming from the direction of the lounge. She ran in, tossing cushions onto the floor as she searched. Spotting a light she dug her hand down the side of the sofa and pulled out Cheryl's phone. Turning it to look at the display she smiled as she saw a picture of herself and Cheryl, grinning at the camera without a care in the world. Flashing across the screen were the words Kimba calling.

  Disconnecting the call Kim sighed, sitting herself down on the sofa. She stared at the green L.E.D lights of the clock on the dvd player as she repeatedly turned her phone over and over again in her hands.

  "Come on Cheryl..." she muttered quietly to herself."Where the hell are you..."


  Snapping out of her thoughts Kim refocused on the clock. Realising she had been sat for almost an hour, willing Cheryl to return, she began to worry.

  Scrolling through her contacts she selected a name and brought the phone up to her ear. It rang for what seemed am eternity before someone finally answered.

  "Hiya hun, how's it goin? Thought you two would be 'making up' by now" Sarah chuckled, voice slightly crackly on the other end of the phone.

  "She's gone." Kimberley told her."She left an hour ago and I don't know where she is, and she hasn't got her phone, and its raining..."

  "Hey hey hey, slow down Kim. Tell me again, she's gone?! Where? Why? Was she there when you got home, did you argue?"

  Kimberley took a deep breath, trying to calm her thoughts. "She was here. We talked. I thought I was getting somewhere Sarah, she agreed. She said we should tell people."

  "Right..." Sarah spoke gently, trying to understand. She felt tears spring to her own eyes as she heard Kimberley's sobs. "So, if it was all going ok, how come she left? Have you called her?"

  "Her phone is here." Kimberley choked out, through her tears. "I don't know what happened. We were fine, she apologised, we made up. I thought it was going to be ok and then she pushed me away and ran off. She must have panicked again."

  Composing herself and wiping the tears from her cheeks Kim jumped as Cheryl's phone began to ring. The name Mam flashed up on the display as the mobile began to noisily vibrate across the coffee table.

  "Sh*t Sarah, her mums ringing her phone! What shall I do, I can't answer it, what would I say?! Oh hi Joan, yeah its Kim, no Cheryl's not here. She freaked out because I wanted to tell everyone that we're in a relationship. She's out in the freezing cold and rain with no coat and no phone... that will go down well I'm sure."

  "Listen Kim, calm down. Put her phone on silent and just ignore it. Her mum will assume she's working or something. Don't worry hun, she'll be back soon I'm sure. Want me to come over?"

  After a long pause Kim replied, voice still shaky."No its ok, I'm ok. You're right i've just got to wait. I'll let you know what happens."

  "Ok hun. If you need anything just call me." Sarah told her. "Love you." she added.

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