What a Bitch Move

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Lucas pov:

Me and the boys have been away for a while due to family reasons so we've missed a lot of shit that's been happening in school.

Apparently Pixie and her side kicks have it in for that nerdy chick and to be honest as much as I despise Pixie,

the nerd had it coming especially for talking shit about me and the boys when she doesn't know anything about us!

She's just nothing but a spoilt brat that has everything! So I'm looking forwards to going back to school today,
who knows Pixie might actually do something really funny to the nerd.

After I pick the twins up I drive towards school, I don't bother turning the radio on as I listen to the twins sing a whole bunch of songs, the twins are really good singers.

Parking my car next to Jake's, me and the twins get out and walk over to our usual meeting spot.

I see Jake sparking up his smoke and I quickly run over to him snatching it out of his hands before he places it in his mouth,

inhaling the nicotine helps relaxes my cloudy thoughts with all my family drama.

Suddenly a feel a fist making connection with my stomach causing me to crouch and hold onto my stomach "ahhhh wtf man"

I look up to see a smirking Jake, ugh shit I should have known "next time it won't be so easy Lukeyboy!"

He says adding a tint of amusement in his voice when he drags my nickname, I hate it when he does that, gosh it makes me sound like a little boy!!!

"Dude what happened to you, looks like you shit your pants?" Really Brody, really that's all you could come up with?

Ugh I love these boys like my brothers but sometimes they can be so stupid!

"Nah he took a blow to the stomach, he thought i'd be a smart idea to take Jakes smoke out of his hand" Carter says before I can answer Brody

"yep and that's the last time I'm doing that" I say barely making the last words, Jake comes over to me giving me his hand, I take it and gradually stand up.

Now I can totally understand how all of Jakes opponents always end up on the ground with Jake walking out of the cage, that boy can bloody pack a punch.

I Mean I know he can, I see all the time the difference is I've just never been at the receiving end and now I can say I have and it ain't something you want to happen to you.

Getting cut off by the bell we make our way to form class, we walk to the back of the classroom and start talking about random shit.

A few seconds later Pixie walks over to us and tells us to treat the nerd like shit, carrying on with her little rant Jake cuts her off telling her to fcuk off,

she just looks at him then flips her hair and goes to sit in her seat. Minutes later the door opens and the nerd walks in taking a seat at the front of the class,

I send her my most intimidating glare but she ignores it and faces the front.

That seems to make my anger rise, I hate being ignored it really pisses me off "bro, Luke you okay?"

I turn to my right to see Brody giving me a questioning look while waiting for me to answer,

so I say nothing and just continue to glare holes at the back of the nerds head.

Moments later I hear Pixie and her little crew talking a whole bunch of shit about the nerd

"I heard she was a loner at her old school" " yeah well look at her she's nothing but a ugly nerd" "I mean who would want to go out with someone looking like her"

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