Lexi's Story

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Lexi's pov:

"Lexi how do you know my dad and dad how do you know my girlfriend Lexi" hearing Jake call me girlfriend causes butterflies to erupt in my stomach,

totally forgetting about my siblings being in the same room. Questions starting arising so I cut everyone off began with my story, my past.

"At a young age my dad started teaching me how to fight, he taught me how to use a knife, to how to use a gun.

I already knew what my dad did as a job, but that was just his job, my dad was so much more than what others out their claimed him to be.

He cared for his family, always making sure we had everything we needed. He was my dad and I loved him no mater what"

my voice came out a bit raspy and the tears started rolling down my face more frequently but I don't stop,

"he was everything to me and my mum. He was my mums first and last love as she was his and he was my daddy and I was his little girl"

Looking around the room till my eyes fell on my siblings, I smiled and continued

"Before I was brought into this so 'happy world' my parents took in a lot of kids and treated them like they were there own.

My parents loved them like they were theirs and they loved my parents like they were there's too"

Walking over to them, I began introducing them from oldest to youngest starting with Gabe.

"This is my oldest brother Gabriel, he's what you call the alpha of the pack. Always protecting us and putting us first before himself.

This is my brother Damon. Second oldest in the family, he's the beta. Keeping everyone safe and always there to talk too when it's most needed.

This is my brother Matt. Third oldest in the family, he's the strategic one. He's the one with the master mind, that comes up with the big plans, that never fail us.

This is my brother Leighton. Fourth oldest in the family, he's the guy you can't lie to.

In other words he's the observer, he can pick out a lie. And Oh want to know a cool fact?  just by one look he will know everything there is to know about you and that's were your doomed.

This is my brother Troy. Fifth oldest in the family, he's the hacker, computer hacker to be exact.

If you're wondering how good of a hacker he is. Lets just say it takes 3 seconds for him to hack into the government system.

This is my brother Kendrick. Sixth oldest in the family, he's the go to guy. When you need advice for anything, he's the guy you're looking for.

This is my beautiful sister Sam. She's the seventh oldest in the family. She's like an older version of me.

This is my brother Felix. The eighth oldest in the family. He's what you call, the guy that doesn't hold back, when he's in the fighting ring.

And lastly, my brother before me. Mr Remmy himself in person. He's the guy that's fast behind wheels" I chuckle at the reaction of my friends faces, but carry on.

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