Happy 18th Baby

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Alexi's pov:

With everything that has happened recently, we've all become closer than ever.

We had the funeral about a week ago for Diego and my brother

and to say there was only a few people that turned up, is understatement.

Pretty much the whole of Seattle came as well as our connections from all over the world, to say goodbye to the two men we lost.

*flash back to funeral

"now may we please have the baby sister of Damon and close family friend of Diego come up to the mic to say a few words"

Staring back at the over crowded church, I stood along my elder siblings, that came up to support me.

Preparing myself, I hear a familiar voice "it's okay Babe, I'm right here"


hearing his soothing voice automatically calms my nerves.

"Some of you guys here know Diego as a man with power, some know him as the big scary gang leader and others know him as the 3rd most feared.

Well for me, I know him as the loving and devoting best friend of dad. I met Diego when I was little and at first he looked like a really scary guy.

But when I got to know him, he was honestly the opposite of what he looked like, he was nothing but loving and kind hearted.

From then on I knew dad made a great choice in befriending him, they truly were like brothers.

Diego did dad proud, he really did. I'm going to miss him a lot.

I'm lucky I played apart in his life as he played apart in mine.

We'll miss you Diego, we love you" taking a few seconds to gather myself, before I began with Damon's,

I let Jakes comforting hands hold me by my waist for reassurance.

"You know Damon is definitely one of a kind. He's someone you don't ever want to lose, because you'll never find anyone like him" I let my tears run freely.

"I remember when I was little I used to hate it when my siblings would go off to school, I was so scarred they were leaving me and they'd need come back.

I would cling on to Damon. Every single morning I'd wake up, just in time for me to jump on him and wrap my myself around his leg so he couldn't move.

He used to find it funny though because school was never his forte.

He truly was an amazing guy. My siblings and I are the luckiest to have been blessed with the years we have spent with him.

I really am going to miss him, I mean he was that brother who cradled me in his arms when thunders would so gracefully announce their presence or when my nightmares thought it be great to pay me a visit.

I wish you were here with us! I wish upon a star and my birthday candles that you weren't taken so early.

I'm going to miss you, I already do! I love you so much Damon. I love you so much Dammy bear" looking back at the many faces, all I see is their glistening eyes as they mourn over our loss.
*end of flashback


Jake's pov:

Since we were now back home, Lexi's family and I have been talking about moving to Seatle.

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