I Love You Lexi

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Jake's pov:

"No dad, no we just got you back! We just got you back!" I crept down to my mum cradling the man she truly loved, my father an held them both in my arms.

Not wanting to let go of the missing peace to my happy family, I let out a rawer of cries.

My cries over powers my mothers and the pain of losing my father struck at my heart.

Feeling a hand rest above my shoulder, I lock eyes with my brother and nod my head in appreciation.

Slowly releasing my hold on my parents, I grab both their hands and hold it to my chest.

All the sleepless nights of waiting for my dad to return and the helpless cries when I called out for him, hits me like a ton of bricks.

Breaking my upsetting thoughts my mothers voice comes out croaky "You're father wanted me to tell you he loves you so much"

just hearing the heart ache in her voice already told me the amount of love she had for him.

Aiden's pov:

We stood around them, with tears in our own eyes. I hadn't know Mr Blackwood well, but from what I have seen in the last few days, he truly loves Jake and Mrs Davina.

Forgetting the state we were in, I point my gun at the figure that comes crashing into the room "where's my baby sister?"

Oh shit. Hearing the mention of Lexi Jake snapped his head towards the door. Looking back at his mother, she nodded her head in understanding.

Placing a kiss on her cheek he got up and followed Gabriel. We followed along after some of Diego's men stood guard of the room.

We stood there on another level of lifeless bodies scattered around the room, I spotted Sam leaning over what looked like a sleeping Damon.

Pointing it out, Gabriel and his brothers sprinted over. Judging by the cries from Gabriel and his family, we knew Damon was no longer with us.

Slowly walking over, we all leant down and put our hands on their shoulders.

Even though we had only known them for a short time. Damon was a really cool guy, over protective yes.

But when we were given the chance to get to know him, he truly was an amazing guy.

We sat there gathered around each other for a seconds before Gabriel regained himself and stood, followed by the rest of us.

With the knowing look in everyone's eyes 'we had to find Lexi'. Suddenly from across the room we see a figure emerging.

Noticing the person as Lexi, Jake sprinters across, catching her in time before she hits the ground.

The screams of Lexi's name echos along with our footsteps. Please dear father, please we need Lexi here with us.

Jake's pov:

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