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Marco's pov:

She was the most beautiful girl in the world, everything about her was beautiful.

The way her eyes sparkled in the sunlight, the way her smile beautifully presented her dimples, just everything about her.

I knew I had to have her, since the day I saw her walk in through those glass doors.

I knew I was in love with her and I was willing to do anything to get her to be mine.

But even though I tried, it seemed like she already gave her heart to someone else! To bad the guy she fell in love with, was the very guy I hated with a passion. 

Obviously me being me, didn't give a shit about his happiness! If I wasn't going to get what I wanted then I wasn't going to let him have what he desired.

*flash back

"You are mine, do you hear me! You belong to me not him" I say to the women I love with all my heart,

can't she see how much I really love her? Why did she have to pick him? What does he have that I don't?

"Maria look at me" she doesn't budge

"Maria please look at me my love" she ignores my pleas and stares away  "MARIA!" I yelled to harshly, getting frustrated that she kept ignoring me.

To my surprise she ended up yelling back at me "what do you want?" I stumbled back a little, surprised by the tone she used on me.

I tried reaching for her arm but she pulled back and glared at me.

Before I could say something to comfort her, she beat me to it,

"I do not belong to you, I am not yours to have and I will never be! I Love Nico with all my heart.

He will forever be my first and last love! For I am his and he is mine! Please leave us alone!"

With that she walked off, while I stood there watching the love of my life walk away from me.

From that day on, it felt like my heart was ripped out and stomped all over! But that was okay, I was going to rip them apart and make them both suffer!  

The Starting of it all

When I was 8, my mother left me and my father for some other man.

Surprisingly my father wasn't hurt a much as he too found another women and later on married her when I was 12.

To say we were a happy family would be an understatement!

The women my dad married had a son of her own and at the start it was good, we were cool with each other.

We were like brothers, we went to parties together, got high together, just what every mates do.

Everything changed when his mother died. She had high hopes for him and she didn't like the things he was doing.

She begged for him to stop. All she wanted was for him to have a beautiful life.

So in a honor of his mother he came up with an idea for street racing, street/underground fighting and street dancing.

Although it was illegal he wanted something for teenagers to do, something for them to be free and be them selves with out turning to all the drugs and alcohols we once turned to for pain relief.

But I wanted something totally different, I wanted money and power. So I started selling drugs and I was getting big bucks for it.

But when he found out about my betrayal he was furious with my actions.

He wanted me to stop and protect those people on the street, but I had a different purpose and I wasn't going to let him get in the way of it.

People started fearing me and loved the thought of it! It made me feel powerful well they were all powerless.

But what frustrated me the most was, even though he wasn't all bad like me he was the most feared guy out! Everyone feared him!

From then on I hated everything about him! All he does is take everything away from me and I hated him with everything I had.
End of story behind it
Hearing the news of your only child being murdered by the kid of the women you loved that chose the man you hated with so much passion only filled me with more anger I didn't know existed in me.

For the past 4 years I've been locked up behind bars, along the way I've formed enmities and great brother hood with a few men here and let's just say me and my new gang are out for blood.

One of the guys had connection with people in a high position. So with a few twist and turns we we're let out from good behavior.

Now all I had to do was make a plan, get my new gang together and take the bitch of a Daughter down!

Hope you're all having a fab week

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