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Brody's house

"Hello sir are you by any chance Mr Dallas?" <Lexi

"Yes I am dear, may I ask what this is about?" <Mr Dallas

"Sir I think it's best if I tell you with your wife" he nods his head while leading me into the sitting room and offers me a drink "she should be here in a bit"

I respond with a smile, knowing this man always stuck up for Brody.

"Hello dear has something happened that concerns us in any way" ignoring her greetings I turn my attention back to Mr Dallas and speak up

"yes it does, It's about your son Brody" Mrs Dallas was about to cut in but I snapped back. What is it with older women and their big mouths?

"Mrs Dallas please do not interrupt me, I'm not one that takes it lightly" I ignore her gasp and get back to the main reason I'm here

"now the reason to my sudden appearance is quite simple actually. I want you both to choose"

they exchange a few looks and to my surprise Mr Dallas is the one that speaks up this time

"I don't understand what you are talking about, choose? what do you mean by choose?" I get up from the chair and watch them both tense as I stand in front of Mrs Dallas

"Do you want to be apart of Brody's life? Yes or no?"

Mrs Dallas looks at me with rage and was about to slap me but I caught her wrist and pushed her arm back.

Even though I wanted to inflict pain on her I knew I couldn't. Brody still loves his parent, he still loves his mum even though she was a bitch to him.

"You had two sons, two amazing sons that you brought into this world. Yes Kyle was your oldest son, your first, but Brody is your youngest, your last.

I know you're both hurting and I too knows what it feels like to lose someone. The worse part about it,

I saw it all happen and those images are forever imprinted in my head, my memories and the depth with in my eyes.

And that's something non of yous are experiencing but Brody.

He saw everything happen, he watched his brother that he loved so much leave in the arms of angels.

And that alone is a different level of pain that you won't understand and hopefully you will never have to.

Don't push Brody away for your own selfish reasons, there's only so much us humans can handle.

You lost your first son are you seriously going to loose your last?

Think about it"

Knowing I got through to her I got up and said goodbye to Mr Dallas and left, now I'm standing in front of a house that a friend from back home gave me.

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